195 TopicsStoryline 360: Adding Result Slides
Result slides give learners dynamic feedback at the end of quizzes and surveys. They also send reporting and tracking information to learning management systems, including learners' responses and scores. You can use multiple result slides in a Storyline 360 course and even combine them for a composite score. In this tutorial, we'll look at adding result slides to a project and configuring their properties. Add a Result Slide Choose a Quiz Type Identify the Questions to Be Tracked Enable the Quiz Timer (Optional) Name Your Quiz Define the Passing Score (for Graded Results) Score Only Viewed Questions (Optional) Choose Result Slide Features Format Result Slide Buttons Step 1: Add a Result Slide First, do any of the following: Go to the Home tab on the ribbon, click New Slide, and choose Results. Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon and click Results. In Story View, right-click anywhere in the workspace, scroll to New Slide, and choose Results. In Slide View or Form View, right-click anywhere in the Scenes panel, scroll to New Slide, and choose Results. When the Insert Slide window appears, choose the type of result slide you want to add. Use the filters on the left side of the window to narrow your choices. There are four result-slide types: Graded: Choose a graded result slide when you want to track the score for the quiz. You'll have options to show the learner's score, the passing score, and passed/failed feedback. Survey: Choose a survey result slide for non-graded questions. Blank: Choose a blank result slide when you need to send completion data to an LMS/LRS but want to design the slide from scratch. For example, you might want to disguise it as a summary, thank you, or standard content slide. Combined: Choose a combined result slide when you want to combine multiple quiz results into one final result slide where learners must pass all quizzes to pass the course. Tip: As of June 2022, accessible-by-default templates are available in the gallery of result slide templates in addition to legacy and Content Library 360 templates. Click Insert Slide to add the result slide to your course. The Quiz Settings window appears, as shown below, where you can name your quiz, identify the questions you want to track, define the passing score, enable the quiz timer, and more. Step 2: Choose a Quiz Type Use the drop-down list in the upper left corner of the Quiz Settings window to choose one of these quiz types: Final Assessment: Creates a standard “submit results” trigger on the result slide. This is the default quiz type. A final assessment can be scored and tracked by your LMS/LRS, and it’s automatically added to your LMS/LRS tracking options. Pre-Check: Creates a conditional “submit results” trigger, which depends on the learner passing the quiz. A pre-check quiz can be scored and tracked by your LMS/LRS only if the learner passes. If they fail, the quiz won’t get reported to your LMS/LRS, and the learner has an opportunity to pass another quiz later in the course. Pre-checks are automatically added to your LMS/LRS tracking options. (Even though a failed pre-check doesn’t get reported, the question data still gets submitted to the LMS/LRS. Depending on your LMS/LRS, you might be able to see how a learner responded to a failed pre-check.) Knowledge Check: This quiz type isn’t scored or tracked by your LMS/LRS. Therefore, a “submit results” trigger isn’t created. A knowledge check simply gives the learner an opportunity to test their knowledge and reinforce what they learned. Step 3: Identify the Questions to Be Tracked A result slide can track question slides or other result slides. Use the Calculate results for drop-down list to select one of the following, then mark the boxes for the question slides or result slides you want to track. Questions Use this option to track individual question slides and question draws. Result Slides Use this option to combine other result slides into a final result slide. Then decide how you want to score the combined quizzes, using the scoring options that appear: User must pass each quiz: Require learners to pass each child quiz. If they fail any quiz, then they fail the entire course. Combine points from each quiz: Add the points from all child quizzes together as the final score for the course. Then enter a percentage in the Combined Passing Score field at the bottom of the window. In this scenario, a learner could fail one or more quizzes and still pass the overall course. When combining multiple quizzes into a final result slide, learners will need to visit each of the child result slides in order to complete the course. Otherwise, the course status will be marked incomplete. Step 4: Enable the Quiz Timer (Optional) You can set a time limit for your quiz, using the options in the upper right corner of the Quiz Settings window. Mark the Quiz Timer box, then enter the number of minutes you want to allow for the quiz. Click the stopwatch icon to choose when the timer should start counting down and how you want it to display. (Note: The responsive mobile player always uses the time remaining format.) Step 5: Name Your Quiz As of August 2022, you can assign unique names to quiz result slides, making it easy to identify the corresponding built-in variables for each quiz. For example, a quiz named Time_Management generates variables such as Time_Management.PassPercent and Time_Management.ScorePoints . Use letters, numbers, and underscores to name your quizzes. Spaces, hyphens, and special characters aren't allowed. Quiz names won't show in your published course. They're only visible in your project file. Step 6: Define the Passing Score (for Graded Quizzes) If you're tracking graded questions, enter a percentage in the Passing Score field at the bottom of the Quiz Settings window. Step 7: Score Only Viewed Questions (Optional) As of September 2020, you can allow learners to skip quiz questions without negatively affecting their score by grading only the questions they view. Simply check the box to Only score viewed questions. For example, you might branch learners to different questions based on their answers to previous questions, which means they could skip some questions along the way. Unviewed Questions vs. Unanswered Questions Unviewed questions and unanswered questions are treated differently. When you score only the questions learners view, they won’t be penalized for questions they don’t see. However, if learners visit questions and then skip them without answering, those questions will count against their quiz score. Step 8: Choose Result Slide Features Finally, choose the features you want to display on your result slide. If the Quiz Settings window is open, click OK to close it, then go to the Result Tools—Design tab on the ribbon. Choose from the following features, and click the slide where you want them to appear. You can add features to the base layer of the result slide or to the success/failure layers. For example, you might add a review button to the base layer so learners can review the quiz whether they pass or fail. And you might add a print button to the success layer so learners who pass the quiz can print their results. You could also add a retry button to the failure layer so they can retake the quiz if they fail. Passing Percent Add a placeholder that displays the percentage required to pass. Format the text box any way you like. User Percent Add a placeholder to your slide that displays the percentage the learner achieved. Format the text box any way you like. Passing Points Add a placeholder that displays the number of points required to pass. Format the text box any way you like. User Points Add a placeholder to your slide that displays the number of points the learner earned. Format the text box any way you like. Review Button Add a Review Quiz button to your result slide, which lets learners go back and review the answers they submitted (but they can't change their answers). To give learners visual feedback on their performance, double-click the Review results trigger in the Triggers panel and mark the box to Show correct/incorrect responses when reviewing. To let learners review only the questions they got wrong, mark the box to Review only incorrect questions. Note: The review button is disabled for combined result slides. Print Button Add a Print Results button to your result slide, which lets learners print out a summary of their results. To include the learner's name on the printed report, double-click the Print results trigger in the Triggers panel and mark the box to Prompt the user for their name. Pro Tip: Learners can choose Save as PDF from the print dialog's Destination drop-down list to make the text searchable. Retry Button Add a Retry Quiz button to your result slide, which gives learners an unlimited number of attempts to retake the quiz. (To limit the number of quiz attempts, review this user guide.) If the quiz drew a subset of questions from a question bank, learners will see a different subset of questions each time they retake the quiz. To let learners retry only the questions they got wrong, double-click the Reset results trigger in the Triggers panel and mark the box to Reset only incorrect questions. Note: The retry button is disabled for combined result slides. Tip: You can adjust the passing score and timer settings on the ribbon or in the Quiz Settings window, as described above Step 9: Format Result Slide Buttons You can format buttons on your result slide to match the rest of your course design. Select a button on your slide, go to the Button Tools—Format tab on the ribbon, and make your design selections. You can add icons, change the button style, adjust the colors, and add effects. To learn more about working with buttons, review this user guide. Can I Edit My Result Slide Later? Absolutely! Open your result slide in Slide View. Then go to the Result Tools—Design tab on the ribbon and click Quiz Settings.6.5KViews1like0CommentsStoryline 360: Adding Form-Based Questions
Storyline 360 has 20 types of graded and survey questions. They're form-based, which makes them quick and easy to assemble. (If you'd like more flexibility to create your own interactive questions, see Adding Freeform Questions.) Insert a Question Slide Enter Question Text and Answer Choices Customize Question Properties Create Form-Based Questions with AI Assistant Want to create form-based questions even more easily? AI Assistant can help you generate form-based questions in no time! Learn how to use AI Assistant to level up your course authoring game. Step 1: Insert a Question Slide Here's how to insert a form-based question slide into your course: First, do any of the following to open the Insert Slide window: Press Ctrl+Q. Go to the Home tab on the ribbon, click New Slide, and choose Graded Question or Survey Question. Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon and click Graded Question or Survey Question. In Story View, right-click anywhere in the workspace, scroll to New Slide, and choose Graded Question or Survey Question. In Slide View or Form View, right-click anywhere in the Scenes panel, scroll to New Slide, and choose Graded Question or Survey Question. When the Insert Slide window appears, use the search field at the top and the filters along the left edge to locate the question you want to add. The slide browser includes built-in templates as well as professionally-designed Content Library 360 templates. Choose from 11 types of graded questions and 9 types of ungraded survey questions. Graded Question Types Survey Question Types True/False Likert Scale Multiple Choice Pick One Multiple Response Pick Many Fill-in-the-Blank Which Word Word Bank Short Answer Matching Drag-and-Drop Essay Matching Drop-down Ranking Drag-and-Drop Sequence Drag-and-Drop Ranking Drop-down Sequence Drop-down How Many Numeric Hotspot When you click a thumbnail image for a slide, the right side of the window shows a description of that question type. Click Insert Slide to add it to your project. Tip: You can insert multiple questions at the same time by holding down the Ctrl key or the Shift key while clicking thumbnail images. Step 2: Enter Question Text and Answer Choices When you insert a question slide, it'll open in Form View. Type your question into the field at the top of the window and the answer choices below it. For many graded question types, you must also indicate which answer is correct—just select the radio button or check box for the correct response(s). Step 3: Customize Question Properties After inserting a form-based question, you can customize several of its attributes, including shuffling of answer choices, feedback, branching, score, and number of attempts. To learn how, see Working with the Question Editor. If your form-based questions have check boxes or radio buttons, you can format them to match your course design. See these user guides for details: Working with Check Boxes Working with Radio Buttons3.5KViews0likes0CommentsStoryline 360: Using the Feedback Window
Storyline 360's form-based Feedback window makes it easy to add text, audio, and branching to your feedback. (For more control over your feedback design, review Working with Feedback Layers.) Accessing the Feedback Window Adding and Formatting Feedback Text Adding and Editing Audio Branching to Other Slides Accessing the Feedback Window To access the Feedback window from a question slide, switch to Form View and click the More button beside any feedback field. (If you don't see any More buttons, you'll need to enable feedback first.) Adding and Formatting Feedback Text Enter text for the feedback prompt in the field at the top of the window, or copy and paste it from another source. Use the buttons in the upper left corner to add formatting and hyperlinks to your text. Tip: You'll need to install a right-to-left keyboard input language in Windows to see the Right-to-Left Text Direction button. Adding and Editing Audio Use the buttons in the lower left corner of the Feedback window to add and edit audio. Record Click the red button to record narration for the feedback prompt. Click it again to stop recording. Rewind Click the rewind button to start over when you're previewing your audio. Play/Pause Click the play button to preview your audio. Click it again to pause playback. Delete Click the X button to delete your audio for the feedback prompt. Edit Click the waveform icon to open the built-in audio editor. (Learn more about editing audio.) Import Click the speaker icon to add audio for the feedback prompt. You can insert an audio file, audio from the media library, text-to-speech clips, or sound effects. Branching to Other Slides By default, all slides branch to the next slide in the course, but you can change this behavior. For example, you might want to branch learners to a certain slide if they get a particular question right and another slide if they get it wrong. Use the branching drop-down to choose what will happen when learners advance past the current slide. Next Slide This jumps to the next slide in the course. Previous Slide This jumps back to the last slide viewed. (It might not be sequentially before the current slide.) Specific Scene Select any scene in your course to jump directly to it. Specific Slide Select any slide in your course to jump directly to it. Result Slide Select any result slide in your course. This ends the quiz and takes the learner to the result slide.3.5KViews0likes0CommentsStoryline 360: Importing Questions from Excel Spreadsheets and Text Files
You can import questions into Storyline 360 to save development time. This is especially helpful when subject matter experts (SMEs) draft questions for you. Importing Questions from an Excel Spreadsheet Importing Questions from a Text File Importing Questions from Another Storyline Project Importing Question from Quizmaker Importing Questions from an Excel Spreadsheet First, populate an Excel spreadsheet with your questions and answers. Here's how: Download this template. (A sample question is provided for you.) Enter the Question Type, Points, Question Text, and Answer Choices for each question. See the table below for notes regarding each field. Save and close the spreadsheet. (Save in XLS or XLSX format.) Question Type Question type is required. Use these abbreviations for supported question types: TF True/False MC Multiple Choice MR Multiple Response FIB Fill in the Blank WB Word Bank MD Matching Drag and Drop MDN Matching Drop-Down SD Sequence Drag and Drop SDN Sequence Drop-Down NUM Numeric LIK Likert PO Pick One PM Pick Many WW Which Word SA Short Answer ESS Essay RD Ranking Drag and Drop RDN Ranking Drop-Down HM How Many Points Points are required for graded questions. Enter points for the correct answer. Points can range from -1000 to 1000. Points for incorrect answers aren't supported via import. Question Text Question Text is required for all questions. Answer Choices Answer Choices are required for all question types except Short Answer, Essay, and How Many. Enter up to 10 answer choices for each question. Designate correct answers for true/false, multiple choice, multiple response, and word bank questions with an asterisk (*) at the beginning. Example: *True For choice-level feedback, separate each answer choice and its feedback with a pipe (|). Example: Houston | Sorry, the capital of Texas is Austin. For matching questions, separate each answer choice and its match with a pipe (|). Example: Texas | Austin For sequence questions, list the answer choices in the correct order. You can list all possible variations of the correct answer in a Fill in the Blank question, but Numeric questions only support one "Equal to" answer via import. After populating an Excel spreadsheet with your questions, import it into Storyline: Open an existing project or create a new one. Then do any of the following: On the Storyline start screen, click Import and choose Import questions from file. Go to the File tab on the ribbon, scroll to Import, and choose Questions from File. Go to the Home tab on the ribbon, click New Slide, scroll to Import, and choose Import Questions. Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon, click Import, and choose Import Questions. Browse to the Excel spreadsheet (XLS or XLSX) and click Open. Storyline will display a list of questions from the spreadsheet you selected. Mark the ones you want to import. Use the Insert into scene drop-down at the bottom of the window to choose where the question slides should appear in your course. You can insert them into a new scene, which is the default option, or choose the current scene in the open project. If you choose a new scene, use the Scene field to give it a name. Tip: You can't import questions directly into a Storyline question bank, but you can move them into a question bank after importing them into a Storyline scene. Click Import to complete the process. Tips for importing questions from an Excel spreadsheet: If there are any errors in your workbook, Storyline will list them. You can click Continue to import the questions that don't have errors and skip those that do, or you can click Cancel to correct the errors in your workbook and import it again. Formatting in your spreadsheet will be removed during import (italics, font size, hyperlinks, etc.). Text that follows two forward slashes (//) is identified as a comment. Comments will be ignored during import. (Leave the slashes in the column headers.) Only questions in the first worksheet (tab) of your Excel workbook will be imported. Additional worksheets will be ignored. The more questions you import, the longer it'll take to process and create them in Storyline. Importing Questions from a Text File First, populate a text file with your questions and answers. Here's how: Download this template. (Tip: Right-click the download link and choose Save link as from the context menu.) A sample question is provided for you in the template. Enter the Question Type, Points, Question Text, and Answer Choices for each question. Enter each item on a new line in the text file. See the table below for notes regarding each item. Save and close the text file. (Save in TXT format.) Question Type Question type is required. Use these abbreviations for supported question types: TF True/False MC Multiple Choice MR Multiple Response FIB Fill in the Blank WB Word Bank MD Matching Drag and Drop MDN Matching Drop-Down SD Sequence Drag and Drop SDN Sequence Drop-Down NUM Numeric LIK Likert PO Pick One PM Pick Many WW Which Word SA Short Answer ESS Essay RD Ranking Drag and Drop RDN Ranking Drop-Down HM How Many Points Points are required for graded questions. Enter points for the correct answer. Points can range from -1000 to 1000. Points for incorrect answers aren't supported via import. Question Text Question Text is required for all questions. Answer Choices Answer Choices are required for all question types except Short Answer, Essay, and How Many. Enter up to 10 answer choices for each question. Designate correct answers for true/false, multiple choice, multiple response, and word bank questions with an asterisk (*) at the beginning. Example: *True For choice-level feedback, separate each answer choice and its feedback with a pipe (|). Example: Houston | Sorry, the capital of Texas is Austin. For matching questions, separate each answer choice and its match with a pipe (|). Example: Texas | Austin For sequence questions, list the answer choices in the correct order. You can list all possible variations of the correct answer in a Fill in the Blank question, but Numeric questions only support one "Equal to" answer via import. After populating a text file with your questions, import it into Storyline: Open an existing project or create a new one. Then do any of the following: On the Storyline start screen, click Import and choose Import questions from file. Go to the File tab on the ribbon, scroll to Import, and choose Questions from File. Go to the Home tab on the ribbon, click New Slide, scroll to Import, and choose Import Questions. Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon, click Import, and choose Import Questions. Browse to the text (TXT) file and click Open. Storyline will display a list of questions from the text file you selected. Mark the ones you want to import. Use the Insert into scene drop-down at the bottom of the window to choose where the question slides should appear in your course. You can insert them into a new scene, which is the default option, or choose the current scene in the open project. If you choose a new scene, use the Scene field to give it a name. Tip: You can't import questions directly into a Storyline question bank, but you can move them into a question bank after importing them into a Storyline scene. Click Import to complete the process. Tips for importing questions from a text file: If there are any errors in your text file, Storyline will list them. You can click Continue to import the questions that don't have errors and skip those that do, or you can click Cancel to correct the errors in your text file and import it again. Text that follows two forward slashes (//) is identified as a comment. Comments will be ignored during import. The more questions you import, the longer it'll take to process and create them in Storyline. Remove trailing spaces when copying text from other apps. Importing Questions from Another Storyline Project You can also reuse questions from other Storyline projects simply by importing them. See this user guide for details. Importing Question from Quizmaker You can even import question lists from Articulate Quizmaker quizzes. See this user guide for details.3KViews0likes0CommentsStoryline: Gamified Quiz Template With Timer
Have learners race against the clock in this fun, game-like quiz. This Storyline 360 template includes a color-changing timer to signal when time is running out and built-in slide number variables so you can add or remove questions without having to renumber them. Download the fonts Roboto and Roboto Black to get the same look and feel. View project in action.2.9KViews7likes64CommentsStoryline 360: Drag-and-Drop Questions
Storyline 360's freeform drag-and-drop question type lets you add interactivity to normal slide objects. Just identify which objects are drag items and which are drop targets. Insert a Freeform Drag-and-Drop Question Identify Drag Items and Drop Targets Select Drag-and-Drop Options Customize the Question Properties Step 1: Insert a Freeform Drag-and-Drop Question There are two ways to create a drag-and-drop question. If you've already added objects to an existing slide, you can convert it to a freeform question. If you'd prefer to start from scratch, do this: First, do any of the following: Go to the Home tab on the ribbon, click New Slide, and choose Freeform Question. Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon and click Freeform Question. In Story View, right-click anywhere in the workspace, scroll to New Slide, and choose Freeform Question. In Slide View or Form View, right-click anywhere in the Scenes panel, scroll to New Slide, and choose Freeform Question. When the Insert Slide window appears, use the search field at the top and the filters along the left edge to locate the type of question you want to add. The slide browser includes built-in templates as well as professionally-designed Content Library 360 templates. When you click a thumbnail image for a slide, the right side of the window shows a description of that question type. Click Insert Slide to add it to your project. A new drag-and-drop question will open in Slide View. Add at least two objects to the slide to function as drag items and drop targets. Then, switch to Form View and proceed to the next step to choose your drag items and drop targets. Step 2: Identify Drag Items and Drop Targets In Form View, identify the objects you want to use as drag items and drop targets. Just follow the steps below. If you’re using a Content Library 360 drag-and-drop template, drag items and drop targets have already been identified for you, but you may need to tweak them to fit your scenario. Place your cursor in the Drag Item column, and use the drop-down selector to identify the objects you want learners to be able to drag. As you scroll over items in the list, Storyline outlines them in red on the slide thumbnail on the right side of the screen so you can see what you're selecting. Next, place your cursor in the Drop Target column and use the drop-down selector to identify the objects that are drop targets for the corresponding drag items from the previous step. Here are some tips for selecting drag items and drop targets: Each drag item can be matched to only one drop target. On the other hand, each drop target can be assigned to more than one drag item—i.e., you can drop multiple items into the same target. You can make an object draggable even if it isn't part of the correct response (i.e., a decoy drag item). Just select that object in the Drag Item column, then select None in the Drop Target column. You can also make an object function as an incorrect drop target (i.e., a decoy drop target). Just select that object in the Drop Target column, then select None in the Drag Item column. To remove a drag item/drop target combination from the answer grid, right-click anywhere on that row and choose Delete Choice. Step 3: Select Drag-and-Drop Options Open the Drag & Drop Options window using either of the following methods, then mark any of the options described in the table below. In Form View, go to the Question tab on the ribbon and click Drag & Drop Options. In Slide View, go to the Question Tools—Design tab on the ribbon and click Drag & Drop Options. Return to start point if dropped outside Mark this box if you want to force drag items to snap back to their original locations when learners drop them outside a specific target. Use the corresponding drop-down to select either “any drop target” or “a correct drop target.” Reveal drag items one at a time Mark this box if you want drag items to appear one at a time after the previous drag item has been dropped on a target. Click the ellipsis button (...) to set the drag item sequence. Snap dropped items to drop target Mark this box if you want drag items to snap to drop targets as learners arrange them on the slide. Use the corresponding drop-down to choose how items will be tiled or stacked. Allow only one item in each drop target Mark this box if you want each drop target to hold only one drag item at a time. When learners drag a second item onto an occupied target, the first item will be pushed out of the target and replaced with the new item. Delay item drop states until interaction is submitted Mark this box if you don't want Drop Correct and Drop Incorrect states to appear until after learners submit the question. If you'd prefer to give learners immediate feedback when they drop items onto targets, do not mark this box. To learn more about states, see this user guide. Step 4: Customize the Question Properties After creating a freeform drag-and-drop question, you can customize several of its attributes, including shuffling of answer choices, feedback, branching, score, number of attempts, and whether learners are required to answer it or allowed to skip it. To learn how, see Working with the Question Editor. Can I Convert a Freeform Question into a Non-Question Slide? Yes. It's easy. Just go to the Insert tab on the Storyline ribbon and click Remove Freeform. When you remove freeform functionality from a question, it becomes a standard content slide. Text and other objects remain intact. Only question-related properties, such as score and feedback, are removed.2.4KViews0likes0CommentsStoryline 360: Drawing Slides from a Question Bank
After creating a question bank and populating it with question slides, you can draw one or more slides from the bank to create dynamic quizzes in your Storyline 360 course. You can even randomize question draws to keep quizzes from being predictable. Multiple question draws can be pulled from the same question bank, which means you can reuse the same questions in more than one quiz. For example, you might add a question draw to the middle of your course as an ungraded knowledge check, then add another question draw to the end of your course as a graded assessment. Adding a Question Draw Editing a Question Draw Adding a Question Draw Select the scene in your course where you want to add a question draw (or create a new scene), then do this: Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon, click Question Banks, and choose New Draw from Question Bank. If you have more than one question bank in your project, use the Question Bank drop-down to select the one you want. (If you need to edit the question bank, click the Edit question bank link beside the drop-down.) To display questions in a random order, mark the box to Draw questions randomly. Use the Include drop-down to choose how many questions you want to draw from the bank. (This option will be grayed-out if you didn't randomize your questions in the previous step.) Use the Include in Shuffle column in the question grid to decide whether each question will be Randomly displayed (which is the default option), Never displayed, or Always displayed in this particular question draw. Locking slides affects how they're randomized and drawn into your course. For example, you might lock a slide to the top of your question draw so it'll always appear first in your quiz, regardless of how the other slides are randomized. To lock a slide, click Lock Question at the bottom of the window and choose one of the locking options. You can lock a slide to the question immediately above/below it or to the top/bottom of the question draw. If you change your mind, you can remove the lock in the same manner. To reorder slides for your question draw, simply drag them to a new location in the grid, or click Move Question at the bottom of the window and select Up/Down. When you've finished making your selections, click Insert to complete the question draw. The placeholder slide for question draws looks like this in Slide View. The placeholder thumbnail for question draws looks like this in Story View. Editing a Question Draw If you need to change the parameters for an existing question draw, such as randomization or how many questions are included, switch to Slide View and click the top half of the placeholder slide where it says Click to view the slide draw. (If you’re in Story View, just double-click the placeholder thumbnail.) If you need to edit the question bank from which the questions will be drawn, click the bottom half of the placeholder slide where it says Click to view the question bank. (Learn more about editing question banks.)2.3KViews0likes0CommentsStoryline 360: Text-Entry Questions
Use Storyline 360's freeform text-entry question to create your own fill-in-the-blank assessments. Tip: You can add multiple text-entry fields to a single slide, but only one can be evaluated in an assessment. If you need to evaluate more than one text-entry field on the same slide, consider this method instead. Insert a Freeform Text-Entry Question Define Acceptable Answers Choose How the Question Will Be Submitted Customize the Question Properties Step 1: Insert a Freeform Text-Entry Question There are two ways to create a text-entry question. If you've already added a data-entry field to an existing slide, you can convert it to a freeform question. If you'd prefer to start from scratch, do this: First, do any of the following: Go to the Home tab on the ribbon, click New Slide, and choose Freeform Question. Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon and click Freeform Question. In Story View, right-click anywhere in the workspace, scroll to New Slide, and choose Freeform Question. In Slide View or Form View, right-click anywhere in the Scenes panel, scroll to New Slide, and choose Freeform Question. When the Insert Slide window appears, use the search field at the top and the filters along the left edge to locate the type of question you want to add. The slide browser includes built-in templates as well as professionally-designed Content Library 360 templates. When you click a thumbnail image for a slide, the right side of the window shows a description of that question type. Click Insert Slide to add it to your project. A new text-entry question will open in Slide View and a text-entry field will automatically be added for you. Switch to Form View and proceed to the next step to define acceptable answers. Step 2: Define Acceptable Answers By default, text-entry questions are graded assessments. To define acceptable answers, switch to Form View and type the answers in the answer grid. If the answers are case-sensitive, mark the Answers are case sensitive box above the grid. If your question doesn't have correct and incorrect responses (i.e., it's a survey question), go to the Question tab on the ribbon and select None from the Score drop-down to make it ungraded. (The answer grid will disappear.) Tip: If you convert an existing slide with data-entry fields into a freeform text-entry question, use the Field to evaluate drop-down to identify the field you want to evaluate. Only one field per slide can be evaluated. Step 3: Choose How the Question Will Be Submitted Learners can click the built-in Submit button on your course player to submit their text-entry responses for evaluation. However, if you're not using the built-in Submit button or you want to provide another way to submit responses, do one or both of the following: Use your own custom submit button If you've added your own custom button or hotspot to the slide that you'd like to use as the submission method, select it from the Submit Button drop-down. Assign submit keys You can assign a keystroke or combination of keystrokes to submit the learner's answer for evaluation. Just click in the Submit Keys field and press the key or combination of keys you want to use. If you change your mind, you can either press the correct key(s), which will update the Submit Keys field, or click the X button to clear the field altogether. Tip: The Enter key always submits a text-entry field for evaluation, so you don't need to define it here. Step 4: Customize the Question Properties After creating a freeform text-entry question, you can customize several of its attributes, including feedback, branching, score, number of attempts, and whether learners are required to answer it or allowed to skip it. To learn how, see Working with the Question Editor. Can I Convert a Freeform Question into a Non-Question Slide? Yes. It's easy. Just go to the Insert tab on the Storyline ribbon and click Remove Freeform. When you remove freeform functionality from a question, it becomes a standard content slide. Text and other objects remain intact. Only question-related properties, such as score and feedback, are removed.2KViews1like0CommentsStoryline 360: Creating and Managing Question Banks
In this user guide, you’ll learn how to create and manage question banks. To learn how to add slides to a question bank or draw them into your course, see these user guides: Adding and Editing Slides in a Question Bank Drawing Slides from a Question Bank Creating Question Banks By default, one empty question bank is automatically added to each Storyline project, but you can add as many as you'd like. (To add slides to the default question bank, called Question Bank 1, see this user guide.) To create a question bank: Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon, click Question Banks, and choose Create Question Bank. When prompted, enter a name for the question bank and click OK. The new question bank will open where you can add and edit slides. Managing Question Banks To add, edit, duplicate, rename, and delete question banks: Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon, click Question Banks, and choose Manage Question Banks. When the Question Bank Manager opens, perform any of the following tasks: Create a Bank: To create a new question bank, click the icon that looks like a blank piece of paper in the lower left corner. A new question bank will be added to the list, and its name will be open for editing. Type the name you want for the new question bank, then press the Enter key on your keyboard to open the question bank for editing. Edit a Bank: To edit an existing question bank, select the bank and click the pencil icon in the lower left corner. (You can also double-click a question bank to open it for editing.) Learn more about editing question banks. Duplicate a Bank: To duplicate an existing question bank (and all the slides it contains), select the bank and click the icon that looks like two rectangles. Rename a Bank: To rename a question bank, select the bank and click the “ab” icon, then type a new name and press Enter on your keyboard. Delete a Bank: To delete a question bank (and all the slides it contains), select the bank and click the trash bin icon.1.8KViews0likes0CommentsStoryline 360: Limiting Quiz Attempts
When you enable the Retry Quiz button on a result slide, learners will have an unlimited number of attempts to take the quiz. But what if you want to limit the number of attempts? No problem. Just use a variable to track the number of attempts. Here’s one way you can accomplish this: Enable the Retry Quiz button on the result slide. See this user guide for details. Add a number variable to track the number of quiz attempts, and set the initial value to zero (0). For the sake of this tutorial, we'll refer to this variable as the Attempts variable. On the result slide, add a trigger to the Retry Quiz button that adds a value of 1 to the Attempts variable when learners click it, then move the trigger up so it's the first trigger listed for the Retry Quiz button. To learn how to add triggers, see this user guide. Add a slide trigger to the result slide that changes the state of the Retry Quiz button to Disabled when the timeline starts if the Attempts variable is equal to the maximum number of retries you want to allow. If you need help adding conditions to triggers, see this user guide. That’s it! If you want to make the Disabled state of the Retry Quiz button more noticeable or descriptive, you can edit the state. For example, you might change the color of the button or change the text to “No more attempts.”1.8KViews1like0Comments