1 TopicBeginners Tutorial
Is there a true beginner's tutorial? I watched the webinar this morning "Getting Started with Rise 360" and I was trying to duplicate the steps on one screen while watching the webinar. It was kind of advanced training and way too fast of a presentation to allow the viewer to duplicate the motions. Some learners are hands on and learn through repetitive motions. Maybe a tutorial with the basic for people that just started to try to use your product, that explains things like "what is a block" and how did the instructor get from one screen to the next. Slow down. Maybe 90 minutes instead of rushing through 60 minutes. When the instructor started to talk about the "Feedback" part of the training, I got lost. By the time I found the items to click on my screen, the instructor was on a completely different screen. Otherwise, I think the material was very helpful, just hard to keep up. Thanks106Views1like7Comments