Video and Media Players in E-Learning #112


Video Players in E-Learning #112: Challenge | Recap


Whether you’re showing smartphone, webcam, interviews, or animated backgrounds, video is a great way to enhance your content and engage learners. In this week’s challenge, we’ll look at creative ways for presenting one or more videos in your e-learning projects. First, let’s take a look at a few examples shared in the community.


Media Gallery Interaction


Here's a simple media gallery designed in portrait mode to showcase a series of videos.


Media Gallery Interaction


View demo | Learn more | Video tutorials | PowerPoint | Storyline


Video Player with Thumbnails


This media gallery player features scrolling thumbnails combined with drag-and-drop to play a series of video. Visual feedback is provided after each video is viewed. 


Video Player with Thumbnails


View the example | Learn more | Michael Hinze


Drag & Drop Video Loader


Here’s another idea for using drag-and-drop to load and play tutorial videos. Here’s another idea for using drag-and-drop to load and play tutorial videos. This interaction features a thumbnail preview and description after each item is dropped on the loader.


Drag & Drop Video Loader


View the example | Learn more & download | Tom Kuhlmann


Media Gallery Interaction


This flat and elegant video player uses a tabs-style menu to load and play videos. You can download the source file from this community discussion.


Media Gallery Interaction


View the example | Learn more & download | David Lindenberg


Challenge of the Week


This week, your challenge is to share an interaction for presenting videos in e-learning courses. Your entry can feature multiple videos using a gallery layout or it can be used to present a single video.




Check out the following challenges and recaps for even more ways video can be used in e-learning:



Free Stock Videos


Here are some resources that provide free, high-quality videos you can use in your examples:


  • Coverr offers free videos for your homepage or e-learning courses
  • Pexels is another great resource for free stock videos


Last Year’s Challenge:


Before you switch on the creativity, take a look at how Pantone’s color of the year is being used in e-learning courses:


E-Learning Color of the Year #111


Pantone Color of the Year #111: Challenge | Recap




Wishing you a video-tastic week, E-Learning Heroes!


New to the E-Learning Challenges?


The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Bob Kaart
David D
Meaghan Lister
Aman Vohra

Creating a fully functional storyline audio player is next to impossible or else I should say, I don’t know how to overcome the shortfalls like Adding multiple tracks, Fade in/Fade out sound effects, Synchronizing tracks etc. So I tried searching for scripts that can help be build my own media player and I was lucky. Here's an Audio player, created a few months back. Its the combination of JavaScript and Storyline 2 Follow the steps Below to listen to your fav. song: 1) Open the link using Google Chrome. ( ) 2) Click the "New Track" button. (to add multiple slots, use the same button) 3) Drop the mp3 file you wish to listen into the dotted box that appears after clicking "New Track" button. 4) Click "Play" (only once or the song will play multipl... Expand

Michael Hinze
David D
Kartik Tyagi