'Fill-in-the-Blank' graded quiz question - Answer feedback editing

Apr 24, 2015

Hi there,

I'm fairly new to Articulate, and would like some help on a question with regards to the Articulate Storyline 2 - Fill in the blank quiz question.

My company is developing quiz material for a client, and I'm running into a problem.

Is there any way to edit/remove/move the 'fill-in-the-blank' acceptable answers feedback? The font is far too small, the position is fixed, and there is no 'toggle on/off' option for this. (And yes, I know there is an option to turn off the correct/ incorrect responses when reviewing - however this does not solve the problem at hand.)

I have scrolled through many pages to try find a solution, but to no avail. Below attached is an example of the problem i'm experiencing.

Please could someone assist?


19 Replies

Hi Samantha ,

If choose the Form view from right sile of storyline window, the Enter Quetion and Acceptable answer window will apper just you can delete and add more options and then click slide view.

Selecet the TextEntry box from the slide and select Home and increase or decrease you font size. still it will not applied meanse resiize the textentry box size.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Evan,

I saw this recently on another thread here, but wasn't able to replicate the behavior in my own files.  Have you been upgrading your files as described in that thread? Are you using files directly in SL1 or SL2? have you gone through the repair steps here? 

If you'd like to share that slide, I'm also happy to take a look and see if I can replicate the behavior in your version of the file. 

Sarah Beauchamp

Thanks for your quick replies! I'm not sure why the attachment is not working. Were you able to open the Word doc with the screenshot? 

I did recieve a response via the live chat support that it is a glitch with the software that has been submitted to the quality assurance team; however they were unable to say when or if the problem would be resolved. For the time being, my workaround is to hide the answers by unchecking "Show correct/incorrect responses when reviewing" in the Result Slide properties, and adding our own formatted text box on the Review layer with the answers for the learner.

Leslie McKerchie

Yes Sarah, the Word document was there and working.

Thanks for letting us know that you were working with support as well and for sharing the solution they provided :)

I tried to pop in and see where you worked with support so that I could link this thread for QA, but I am unable to locate the information. Was this under your name Sarah?

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Sarah!

I popped in to take a look at your case and the report filed to see if there is an update to provide.

Did the workaround that Victor shared work well for you?

Slide size should be below the following resolution:
Lower than 760x570 for 4:3 aspect ratio
Lower than 970x546 for 16:9 aspect ratio

Since this report, we have worked to better prioritize issues based on user impact. You can read more about how we handle this here. I do not have an update outside of the resolutions shared above.

Are you still utilizing Storyline 2? You're not experiencing an issue with Storyline 3 or 360 I assume?

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