Interactive navigation

Jun 04, 2016

Can anyone help me with this problem?

I need to find a way of linking the Next button with the other buttons on the screen so the Next button is updated and only shows the layers not seen.

These are the instructions I have been given:

The “Next” button should only take you to the parts not yet navigated to.
If I click “What are our differentiators” then “Maintain Knowledge” and click “Next” – I should only be taken to the “Are we helping” section then the next click of “Next” should take me to the next slide (not through the other 2 sections that I have already clicked on)

Have included the file, any help would be appreciated 



7 Replies
Walt Hamilton

The built-in Visited state is set up only to show if an object has been clicked, so your rectangles do not show that layers have been visited. (One way to test when states change is to change the Visited state to something that is very obviously different than the Normal.) So if you want to have the timeline or the next button show a state, you need to use a variable to indicate that the state has been visited. (By the way, if you are creating a rectangular button that looks like the built-in NEXT button, you can use the built-in button, because you can write any trigger you want, and attach it or them to the built-in button.)

In my personal opinion, using both the timeline, and user-initiated navigation can lead to some very confusing situations. For example, in your sample, if the user clicks a rectangle and visite that layer, then clicks NEXT, the NEXT triggers cycle through the layers in order without regard to layers that the user may have already visited. If the user clicks "Are we helping?", the clicks NEXT, they are shown layer1 again, which gives the illusion that nothing happened when they clicked. I would choose either automatic advance, or user controlled advance.

In the attached sample, I have set up Scene 2 to operate entirely under user control, yet to advance to the correct layer whether the user clicks the button, or NEXT.

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