Lightbox audio bug in SL360

Dec 17, 2018

Hi, I'm having an issue with Lightbox slides.

When I open a Lightbox slide from for example Slide A, and close it, all audio in Slide A's layers start to play. The same happens if you press Submit on a Question slide without answering. Please see my attached examples.

Link to three examples >>


I´m on a Mac & Parallels.

Kind regards


14 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Fredrik,

Thanks for reaching out and providing the details of what you are experiencing in your course.

Both of these issues are ones that have been reported to us, so I will add this conversation to the report along with your example as we continue to investigate.

We will be sure to update you here when we have additional information to share.

Dane James

Having issues with a slide that has multiple layers with a light box opening in several of the  layers. When I close the light box audio plays that is located on another layer. I even set the audio to play when I click on a button but it still plays when on one of the other layers and the lightbox closes.

Randy Hill

Having the same issue although it is a lightbox that is on a free form question. The lightbox is reference information so when the lightbox closes it automatically goes to the correct layer even though nothing has been selected. I guess I will watch for a fix and for now just use another layer for the reference. Just sucks that I have to make a layer for each slide I am doing that for rather than one reference in the lightbox.

Don Griesheimer

I want to add that I am experiencing the same issue with a lightbox slide that when closed initiates all the audio on the slide. Some of my slides have up to 30 layers, all with audio. The cacophony is disturbing!


Update: I have rolled back Storyline 360 to the October 30, 2018 release. This October 30, 2018 release does not have the issue with closing a lightbox and having all the audio on the slide play simultaneously.  For now, until Articulate reports a fix, I'll be using the October 30, 2018 release.


Crystal Horn

Hi there, Brigitte and Gregory.  I'm sorry this bug is affecting you.  I don't have a date for a fix yet, but it does have high priority with our team.  

In the meantime, can you try adding a trigger to your layers to Play media (audio) when the timeline begins (layer timeline)?  That workaround has helped other folks seeing this issue.

I'll continue to update our report with the impact this bug is having on you!

Leslie McKerchie

Great news!  We just released another update for Articulate 360, and included a few important fixes that you'll see in the release notes here.  

The item you'll be interested in is:

Fixed: Audio tracks from multiple layers could play simultaneously, even when the layers weren't open.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for Storyline 360. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

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