Multiple text entries gone wrong

Aug 23, 2016

I am creating a tax table interaction where the user must fill in several blanks in a grid. Answers depend on how the user chooses to file: single, married filing separately, filing jointly, and head of household.  The user will fill in the top row left to right then move to the next line. I read that using the text entry feature, you can evaluate only one field at a time. I saw how one e-learning example evaluates one box at a time and gives a check as correct or X if wrong. First, I cannot figure out how to put in a picture as feedback.  Secondly, is it possible to have too many text entries on one screen? When I publish and play, nothing comes up, but when I delete all but 2 entry boxes, it's viewable. Thank you for any help. I have attached my project but here is also a screenshot.

3 Replies
Denise Smith

Thank you for your response. The Interactive Sales Report is where I saw the check and X as feedback.  I like how it gives the feedback for each entry but I could also give feedback for each line on the grid. I'm just not sure how to evaluate all the answers on a line that way. I'm starting to wonder if this will even work because I can't seem get the grid to show on the screen when I try playing it with more than two entry boxes. I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the software or if I missed something within the project.

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