Provenance of published SCORM file

Mar 03, 2020

I just inherited a collection of .story and .zip SCORM files from a kitchen with too many cooks :-)   In other words, by file name and internal title alone, there are multiple evolutionary versions of a .story file for a related collection of SCORM files (many to many, if you will).

How can I definitively link a .story file to a SCORM file?  The SCORM meta.xml has a project ID and course ID.  I see the course ID when I'm running Storyline, but I cannot find that course ID anywhere in any of the .story files.   Is it compressed/hashed somewhere?

5 Replies
Rocky Craig

I knew that, as I said in my original post: "I see the course ID when I'm running Storyline"

I want to extract it from the .story file and cannot find it.  I have nearly 100 .story files to organize and I'd like to think there's a programmatic way to scan them, rather than view 100 separate "Publish" dialogs.   All those files in a .story archive and there's no Course ID?

Rocky Craig

I tried a few different search terms around "Identifier" and found these (mostly) older articles.  It seems like the "Publish Identifier" (aka courseid in meta.xml) is generated on the fly at Publish time.  It's based on other stored data that's not well documented, but no need to store the hash by default.   I can set it explicitly and then I ass-u-me it gets stored at that point?  Or is it hiding somewhere and I just haven't found it?  Then, same questions on the "Project ID" found in a SCORM's meta.xml?

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