Results Slide doesn't update

Apr 08, 2019


I have designed a course with 3 branching scenarios.  The quizzing feature works great and the Results Slide work great, the first time.  I have a Retry button, which resets on the incorrect slides; and it works great too...

The problem I have is that the Results Slide still goes back to the Incorrect Layer and displays the passing result of 100%...

How do I get the the Success layer to show, when the user achieves the prescribed 100% pass, on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc attempt?

8 Replies
Kerry Rasmussen

Well, here I am again with bugs in my results slide :(  I have selected the box to only retry the incorrect questions when the retry button is selected...

When i test this in the scorm cloud, I am finding that these incorrect questions can be addressed; however, on a third attempt to re-answer questions that are still incorrect, the forward arrow doesn't work.  Therefore, the course is stuck on the first correction slide....

I have attached the file; could someone take a look and let me know what I am doing wrong please?

Kerry Rasmussen

Hi Alyssa

Yes, I found it on the 2nd attempt and the 5/5 incorrect slide, which was 3.8 Kayla_4_PtB in this instance.  I was re-testing in our Scorm Cloud,  just before checking this discussion thread, and discovered the same thing...

I can re-answer the incorrect slides; however, when I have re-answered the last incorrect slide, I am unable to proceed by selecting the player navigation buttons/symbols.  Therefore, I use the 'Home' button and then the 'Exit Course' button to see if I have achieved the 100% and it shows that some are still incorrect when I know that I have answered them all correctly.

I wonder if this 2nd result is because I cannot navigate away from the last corrected slide using the player navigation?????


Later today.....

I have been working on this course and have discovered that the slide settings were set to 'Resume saved state'; would that be the issue preventing the subsequent attempts from progressing and being picked up in the Results Slide?

I've attached the version I have worked on today..... I have combined all 3 scenarios in the one scene to see if the quizzing function behaves better when revisiting incorrect slides...

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Kerry,

Glad you were able to get the problem resolved. Thanks for popping in with an update.

As far as confirming, were you using the retry option built into the Results Slide on the subsequent attempts?

It sounds like it's working now that you've moved it to one scene and you mentioned the navigation not working correctly previously. You may have been running into an issue at the end of a scene and Nicole shares how to overcome this issue here.

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