Scoring a game show for multiple players

Apr 29, 2015

We've recently upgraded to SL2 and I'm just trying something out.  I want to create a prototype for a Jeopardy style game show for multiple users as a review.  I need to figure out how to assign correct answers to the correct player.  Is it possible to assign quiz responses to a particular player?  So, for example, there may be three different players who will each be answering different randomly selected questions.   I need to be able to keep their scores separately tabulated.  I'm thinking that variables will be involved.  Any ideas?    I know that there are amazing minds out there who will look at this and will know immediately how to do this.

18 Replies
Dorothy Baker

So, I've had a look at the samples as you suggested Leslie and I'm not seeing any yet where there are multiple players and the scores are automatically tabulated.  I'll keep looking but I suspect I'll need to figure it out myself.  If I'm successful, I'll share it.  If I run into problems, I'll turn to the community for help.  Thanks.

Jerson  Campos

Hi Dorothy,

I do remember someone posted a game example that kept the high scores on an external xml database. Using javascript they exported the scores and placed them in the xml file. Then they had a webpage embedded into the course that showed all the high scores and user names. 

Are you wanting to do a game where multiple users would play at the same time and see each other's scores?  I actually had something similar in mind for an ILT lead course and have jotted a few notes on how I might be able to achieve it. 

Dorothy Baker

Yes.  We will have multiple players at one sitting using one device.  We want the freedom to project it and have teams play or have it played on a smaller scale with different players.  I'd like to be able to build it entirely in Storyline and avoid linking to an external database, if possible.  I'm thinking it should be doable with variables so that the points are assigned to the correct player/team - I think.  The players will be in the same location so I don't need to develop it for distance - at least not at this time.

Jerson  Campos

I've played several games where multiple players play the same game on one computer.  Usually their are keys assigned to each player.  Example Q, A, Z keys will be assigned to player one, and P, L, and , (comma) keys will be assigned to player two.  This would work with multiple choice questions. For other type questions, like drag and drops,  you can assign a unique key for each player as a "buzz in" button. 

To make this work you will have to free form this.  I don't mean a free form quiz, but completely create unique variables and triggers to make up your own interactive quiz without using the built-in default settings.

To make this easier, it helps to write out a pseudo-script for the triggers and variables for when an action takes place.


When player1 presses "Q"
If correct - 10pts will be added variable player1Score
If incorrect -  10-pts will be subtracted to variable player1Score.

This will help you plan out what variables you need and foresee any issues that may develop.

Morgan Atchison

Hello- I am resurrecting this discussion as I am curious how I can create teams within my game as well.  I am seeing some examples discussed here, but would prefer a way to toggle within the main page.  For example, a way to say Player 1, select their question and if they get it right it counts their points.  Any recommendations?  Any visual aids? 

Math Notermans

I do have a few solutions for creating a multiuser-game. In this post i show one of the approaches working.

Other possibility is writing and reading data to Excel or Google Sheets. Lot of info to find about that in the forum too, and got that working too. Seeing your compliance story a simple Google Sheet solution reading/writing data does the trick probably.

A complete multiplayer setup like shown in my sample is complex. Lot of Javascript and coding needed. At the moment working on a course ( or tutorials ) to show more of that.

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