Storyline Character Incomplete

Aug 02, 2019

I noticed recently, when I embed a character directly from the Storyline Library, the hand/arm parts don't show up appropriately. For example, I applied Louis (male, 40-50s) character with Gesturing pose, but his hand doesnot show up (see the attached image). I applied multiple characters in my Storyline Project and this is not the only character that has this issue. Anyone has any idea how to avoid? Thank you. Louis

3 Replies
Gerry Wasiluk
Katie Riggio

Greetings, Chuanli!

It looks like you tried adjusting your DPI settings with no luck. So sorry you're still facing this problem!

From here, I echo Gerry's recommendation to see if a simple repair of Storyline 360 helps. (Thanks, Gerry!) If that doesn't help, please let our Support team know. They'll work with you 1:1 to ensure those characters display correctly! 

Magali Rozec

Hello, I faced a similar pb with characters with extended arms. I came up with 2 solutions : 1. reset the "image and size" in the formating page. 2. Was to open the crop and resize manually. This happened when i modified a previously croped character or used a "space holder" to import my character. 

I know the pb came up 2 years ago, but, just in case for future solutions seekers ;-)