Sharing projects in Rise to other authors/developers

Nov 28, 2016

Hi there,

Is there an option/method of sharing a Rise project (developed and living on my own account) to another developer in my team? This will be for developing purposes and not viewing purposes. I understand the "Share" option allows me to send the link to a viewer, but not an editor.

Please advise?


38 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

We released some new collaboration features to Rise today:

You can access all the Articulate 360 and Rise tutorials from this page. 

Today's update to Articulate 360 included a few other important fixes and new features that you'll see in the release notes here.  

Let us know if you need anything else! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi John,

If you are looking to send a copy to another Rise user, that should work for anyone including if they're on a trial.

If you're looking to Collaborate on a course, that feature is only available to 360 Teams users (a trial account is only an individual 360 account). 

Here’s a bit more info on how collaborative authoring in Rise differs from sending a copy of a course to another author.

Karl Muller

Hi Dave,

Both you and the other person need to have  360 Teams type accounts in order to collaborate on the same course.

As stated above, a trial account is only an individual 360 account, so collaboration is not possible.

You should be able to email the person with the trial account a copy of your course.

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