
Video Tutorials

Rise 360: Work on Content with Other Team Members

Articulate 360 Teams in the same regional data center can easily collaborate on Rise 360 content. Create and edit different lessons in a course at the same time or take turns fine-tuning the same content. 

Collaborative authoring is exclusively available to Articulate 360 Teams. Not a teams subscriber? Contact an Articulate 360 sales representative to learn more.

You can share and manage items individually, which we'll talk about in this article, or via team folders. If you're collaborating on multiple items, the Team section provides options for a more efficient process. 

Tip: You can also send a copy of Rise 360 content to another Articulate 360 user in the same regional data center. However, each of you will have an independent copy, which is useful when you’re working with an individual Articulate 360 subscriber. It’s not real-time collaboration as described in this user guide. 

Add Collaborators to Content

You can add as many collaborators as you want to Rise 360 content as long as they have an Articulate 360 Teams subscription. Collaborators don't have to be on the same team; they just need to have an Articulate 360 Teams subscription. 

  1. Go to your Rise 360 dashboard and open the content on which you want to collaborate.
  2. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the editor and select the Collaborators tab. (You can also click Share and choose View collaborators to get to the same screen.)
  3. Enter an email address for each team member who should have access to the course and click Invite.
  4. Click Close

Each team member you invite receives an email notification, and the course automatically appears on the collaborator's Rise 360 dashboard in the Team section. Collaborators also see the owner's avatar on the course tile.

Change a Collaborator’s Role

Collaborators can have one of three roles:

  • The Owner can do everything.
  • A Manager can do everything except edit labels, transfer ownership, set a Share password, or delete the course. 
  • An Editor can't access any of the menu options. They can only edit the course. 

By default, collaborators are assigned the editor role. You can update their role at any time.

  1. Go to your Rise 360 dashboard and open the content on which you’re collaborating.
  2. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the editor and select the Collaborators tab. (You can also click Share and choose View collaborators to get to the same screen.)
  3. Modify a collaborator’s role from the drop-down menu in their list entry.
  4. Click Close.

Managers can remove themselves as collaborators.

Note: Adding a manager or editor doesn't transfer ownership. Only the owner can transfer content

Collaborate on Content with Other Authors

Everyone on your team who has access to Rise 360 content can work on it simultaneously. Changes appear immediately. Here’s how each feature works with collaborators.

Edit the Title, Description, and Author

Only one author at a time can edit the content title and description. When someone else is editing either field, it’ll turn gray and you’ll see the author’s profile picture or initials beside it.

Anyone can change the author that displays in the published content. Just click the Author drop-down list and choose one of the collaborators or hide the author altogether.

Add New Section Headers and Lessons

All collaborators can add new section headers and lessons to course outlines.

Edit Section Headers

Only one author at a time can edit an existing section header. When someone else is editing it, it’ll turn gray and you’ll see the author’s profile picture or initials beside it.

Edit Lessons

You can edit any existing lesson in the course unless someone else is currently working on it, in which case you’ll see his or her profile picture or initials and when the last edit occurred beside the lesson in the course outline.

If you click the Edit Content button for a lesson that another author is currently editing, you’ll have the option to take control of the lesson. We recommend contacting the other author, as a courtesy, before taking control of a lesson, since taking control will lock him or her out of the lesson.

Edit Question Bank Quizzes and Knowledge Checks

All collaborators can edit quizzes and knowledge checks created with question banks as long as the source question bank has been shared with them.

Quizzes and knowledge checks created manually can be edited as normal.

Delete Section Headers and Lessons

All collaborators can delete section headers and lessons unless they’re currently being edited by other authors.

Rearrange Section Headers and Lessons

All collaborators can rearrange section headers and lessons in the course outline—even when they’re being edited by other authors.

Preview the Content

All collaborators can preview the content.

Share, Review, and Export the Content

Only the owner or a manager can share the content with learners, publish it to Review 360 to collect feedback from stakeholders, and export it for hosting in an LMS or web server.

Share the Review 360 Content with Non-Articulate Users

Only the owner can allow content published to Review 360 to be shared with users that don't have Articulate IDs.

Modify Theme/Settings

The owner and managers can modify the settings, including theme, navigation mode, and collaborators.

Note: Edits you make in the theme or settings menus can potentially override those of another user. Make sure to coordinate with your team so that you're not modifying settings simultaneously.

Edit Text Labels

Only the owner can edit text labels.

Send, Duplicate, and Move the Content

Only the owner or a manager can send, duplicate, and move the content. Managers can only move the content with the Team directory.

Delete and Restore the Content

Only the course owner can delete or restore the content.

Here’s how to transfer ownership to another author.

Remove Collaborators from Content

Course owners and managers can remove other collaborators. Course managers can also remove themselves. 

  1. Go to your Rise 360 dashboard and open the content you need to edit.
  2. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the editor and select the Collaborators tab. (You can also click Share and choose View collaborators to get to the same screen.)
  3. Hover over each team member you want to remove from the content, click the X that appears, then click Remove to confirm your choice.
  4. Click Close in the upper right corner to return to the editor.

When you remove collaborators, the content disappears from their Rise 360 dashboards. If they’re editing the content when you remove their access, they’ll immediately return to their Rise 360 dashboards.

Remove Yourself from Content

Managers can remove themselves from content. Editors must be removed by the owner or a manager.

  1. Go to your Rise 360 dashboard and open the course you want to remove yourself from. 
  2. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the editor and select the Collaborators tab. (You can also click Share and choose View collaborators to get to the same screen.)
  3. Hover over your name and click the X that appears, then click Remove to confirm your choice.

Owners can’t remove themselves from content, they must transfer ownership first (see below).

Transfer Content to a Different Owner

Only the owner of content can transfer ownership to another author. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Rise 360 dashboard and open the content you want to transfer.
  2. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the editor and select the Collaborators tab. (You can also click Share and choose View collaborators to get to the same screen.)
  3. Hover over your name in the list of collaborators and click the Transfer link that appears.
  4. Select a collaborator to be the new owner and click the Transfer button. (If the new owner isn't already in your collaborators list, you'll need to add them first. See above.)
  5. Click Close in the upper right corner to return to the editor.

Note: Other collaborators remain when you transfer ownership.

Updated 2 months ago
Version 3.0