Chris R
Chris R
Skills Trainer at State Street
"Vaneeta, A few thoughts come to mind, one of which is making sure the learner is not confused about what to visit and where to go. Sec..."
  • over 8 years ago09/17/15 at 5:19 am (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Show text box only once
"Daniel, looks like you may have used a hybrid of our suggestions, more than one way to skin the proverbial cat. Glad you are moving forwa..."
  • over 8 years ago09/17/15 at 5:01 am (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Show text box only once
"Daniel, I'd set animation for the box to appear then disappear after the desired number of seconds (adjust timing)for example; then edit ..."
  • over 8 years ago09/15/15 at 8:04 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion spam? or worse?
"Thanks Ashley. The spam in the past has been a real downer, I've been simply too busy to edit my settings to stop all posts. Speaking of ..."
  • almost 9 years ago08/11/15 at 9:35 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion .
"I don't know the objectives of the particular course and have no experience with a low literacy audience but I don't see why eLearnings w..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/15/15 at 6:24 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Drag and Drop
"Mike, one simple was is (assuming you're using Storyline) is under the Drag/Drop option button from the question slide tool bar, in the w..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/14/15 at 8:08 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Locking Slides
"Tammy, one simple way is by using states and triggers. You can set it up in many different ways but suppose you have three click and reve..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/08/15 at 4:23 am (UTC)
"Hi Charles, can you re-post the file? for some reason your link as some of the others hops to some odd 'amazon news' page with a lot of j..."
  • almost 9 years ago06/16/15 at 4:39 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashley - following up on this - did you see my reply and/or get my email? I'd attach the story file here but there's confidential cont..."
  • almost 9 years ago06/16/15 at 4:24 pm (UTC)
"@Ashley - I just replied via Outlook through a link, not sure it will appear (if so sorry for double reply!). Here's my post link https:..."
  • almost 9 years ago06/03/15 at 10:34 pm (UTC)
"Hey Mike, great tip, thanks! Looks like you get Word output with most all the text - it's somewhat clunky but seems to better facilitate ..."
  • almost 9 years ago06/03/15 at 10:30 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Ashley (to clarify - review comments from coworkers not comments on my post)."
  • almost 9 years ago06/02/15 at 9:07 pm (UTC)
"Ashley, I posted a new topic today on a related note, maybe the same root cause/bug? Any text string in which I'm referencing a variable ..."
  • almost 9 years ago06/02/15 at 7:15 pm (UTC)
"@Ashley - you bet - frankly quite surprised there hasn't been a clamoring for this sort of thing, hopefully will be out within the year....."
  • 9 years ago05/25/15 at 7:18 pm (UTC)
"Brett, I didn't know about the feature request option, thanks for the link. Done! I asked for 3 features. 1) an interface to import and e..."
  • 9 years ago05/21/15 at 4:26 am (UTC)
"Thanks Ashley. Honestly I have no experience with using JavaScript, sounds a little intimidating but I'll dive into it. It would seem art..."
  • 9 years ago05/19/15 at 3:05 am (UTC)
"I'll try this not for quizzing but simply wanting to display whole % such as % of ee's in one location or another - quizzing must already..."
  • 9 years ago05/16/15 at 3:32 am (UTC)
"So this topic (or at least this thread's not gotten any love) in 2 years? Please say SL2 has rectified this huge shortcoming :( I want to..."
  • 9 years ago05/16/15 at 3:23 am (UTC)
"I've just applied to the University of Florida's College of Education - Certificate Program for Online Teaching and Learning - 4 courses ..."
  • 9 years ago05/15/15 at 1:04 am (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Ideas for VERY dry content
"Better yet how about a workflow - sort of the factory for building financial information (reports, statements whatever) - and why they're..."
  • 9 years ago05/14/15 at 11:35 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Jigsaw puzzle creator
"This one's a bit crude but they're free auto generators (Criss Cross, Word Find etc.) Here's a word doc with an example. In the past, we ..."
  • 9 years ago05/14/15 at 11:26 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion restrict navigation with markers
"Jim, not in place of but in addition, I tend to use "Oops" layers which are shown when a learner clicks the next (or any object defined w..."
  • 9 years ago05/14/15 at 10:10 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Importing and retaining variables
"I searched just now on this topic and was hoping SL2 had a feature where by you could define a set of variables (either manually within t..."
  • 9 years ago05/14/15 at 9:31 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Hangman Game
"Games are a great way to have some fun especially as a recall/knowledge check. Rather than simply guessing letters (sort of a wheel of fo..."
  • 9 years ago05/14/15 at 9:08 pm (UTC)
Chris R replied to the discussion Jeopardy in Storyline
"Kristin, did you perhaps get a private post reply? I too got the same error. Many of these file sharing sites are blocked at work. I was ..."
  • over 10 years ago02/06/14 at 3:44 pm (UTC)