Maintain control of your content and intellectual property. When someone leaves your team, you must transfer their shared content to another team member. Then choose whether or not to include their personal content.

Online content a user creates with Articulate 360 apps is connected to their Articulate ID and is considered personal content. Once they share the content with the team, it stays with the subscription until they unshare it. See the table below for a list of personal and shared content:

Personal Content

Shared Content

  • Rise 360 courses, microlearning, and question banks in the private directory
  • Unshared Rise 360 block templates 
  • Review 360 items and folders in the private directory.


When someone leaves your team, and their email is deactivated, you'll completely lose access to their personal content. In most cases, you should include their personal content when transferring to another team member to maintain control of your team's content and intellectual property. However, there are a few scenarios where you could choose not to include personal content, such as:

  • A team member leaves temporarily, and no one else needs to access their Rise 360 and Review 360 content before they return.
  • A contractor or freelancer used their personal Articulate ID to join your team, and they have personal content connected to it. When that happens, follow the tips in How Freelancers Work With Articulate 360 Teams.

Whatever the scenario, we have steps for you.

Remove the User from Your Team

Manage your team right in your web browser. Go to and sign in with your Articulate ID email address and password. Then click Manage Team on the left side of the screen. (You must be an admin to see the Manage Team tab.)

manage team page

Hover over the user you want to remove and click the X that appears.

Complete the process by selecting a team member as the new owner of the user's shared content and choosing whether or not to include personal content.

prompt to transfer shared content when removing a user

To select a new owner, enter their name or email address in the field provided. Choose from the list that appears to enable the Remove User button.

selecting a new owner for the content to be transferred

Before clicking Remove User, choose whether to include personal content or not. See below for details on each option.

include personal content in the transfer

Transfer Shared and Personal Content

To remove a user and include their personal content in the transfer, keep Include personal content selected and click Remove User.

Select include personal content and click the remove user button

If the user is also an admin, remove their admin access when prompted.

What happens when you transfer content to someone else?

  1. An undo option appears for 15 seconds, giving you the opportunity to restore the user and their content. If you choose not to undo your action, the transfer process will proceed when the undo option disappears.
  2. The user you removed from the team receives an email notification confirming that they were removed.
  3. The user also loses access to any Review 360 items with private share links.
  4. The new owner receives an email notification about the content transferred to them. They have full control over Rise 360 courses, microlearning, label sets, and block templates; Review 360 items (including Storyline 360 project backups) and review requests; and Storyline 360 team slides. Learn more.
  5. Rise 360 collaborator access and folder share settings for Rise 360 and Review 360 are also transferred to the new owner.
  6. Course collaborators on Rise 360 courses and shareable links for Rise 360 and Review 360 content remain the same, so everyone who has access can continue to use them.

Who can you transfer content to?

You can transfer content to any user or admin on your team. You can’t divide content among multiple users. However, the new owner can transfer Rise 360 courses to other team members.

The new owner must be a member of your team. If they haven’t joined your team yet, assign them to a user seat or add them to your team as an admin. When they accept your invitation to join the team, you can transfer content to them.

If you transfer content to an admin who isn’t assigned to a user seat, the admin automatically takes the seat vacated by the user you removed. (You can’t transfer content to an admin who has a user seat on a different team.)

Does all the content from the original user get transferred?

Yes, all of the user’s Rise 360 courses, microlearning, Review 360 items (including Storyline 360 project backups), review requests, and Storyline 360 team slides are transferred to the new owner. Rise 360 collaborator access and folder share settings for Rise 360 and Review 360 are also transferred to the new owner. Here's what the new owner sees.

Transfer Only Shared Content

To remove a user from your team without transferring their personal content, uncheck Include personal content before clicking Remove User.


If the user is also an admin, remove their admin access when prompted.

What happens when you remove a user and don't include their personal content?

  1. An undo option appears for 15 seconds, giving you the opportunity to restore the user and their content. If you choose not to undo your action, the user will be removed from your team when the undo option disappears.
  2. The user receives an email notification confirming that they were removed.
  3. The user also loses to any Review 360 items with private share links.
  4. The user’s private Rise 360 courses, microlearning, and Review 360 items (including Storyline 360 project backups) remain on our servers up to six months. During that time, shareable links for the projects continue to work, so your team can still view them. However, no one will be able to edit or manage them. Any collaborators will have their access to the content revoked. 

    If the user rejoins your team, joins another team, or buys an individual subscription with the same email address within six months, they’ll have full control of their private Rise 360 content and Review 360 items again.
  5. The new owner of the shared content receives an email notification about the content transferred to them. They have full control over Rise 360 courses and microlearning in the team directory, label sets, and shared block templates; Review 360 items in the team directory (including Storyline 360 project backups) and review requests; and Storyline 360 team slides. Learn more.
  6. Rise 360 collaborator access from shared content and folder share settings for Rise 360 and Review 360 are also transferred to the new owner.

Transfer Content to a New User When There's No Open Seat

Since you must always transfer shared content, how do you transfer content to a new user when you don't have an open seat to give them? Follow these steps:

  1. Temporarily add the new user to your team as an admin (here’s how). Admins don’t consume user seats, so you can add as many admins as you’d like.
  2. When the new admin accepts your invitation to join the team, remove the user who left your team and transfer their content to the new admin, as described above. The new admin becomes the owner of the content and automatically takes the seat vacated by the user you removed.
  3. If you don’t want the new user to be an admin for your team, remove their admin access. They’ll still have a user seat and own the content you transferred to them.