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E-Learning Challenges

Give Your Quiz Results Slides a Makeover #14

DavidAnderson's avatar
11 years ago

Quiz Results Slide Makeovers #14: Challenge | Recap

Give Learners Feedback in Fresh and Creative Ways

A while back, I shared some tips for designing more engaging and contextual quizzes by simply adding custom background graphics. It was a simple idea but one that really helps visually align your quiz designs to the rest of your content slides.

Yet, even with custom background graphics, the quiz results are often presented in default styles and layouts that don’t align visually with the rest of the content.

Give your quiz results a makeover

Here’s a quick and easy design tip to get you started: Infographics. Remember our infographics challenge from a few weeks back? We can still pull more from infographics to give our quiz results more impact.

Infographics usually include typographic elements we can apply in our quizzes to communicate scores and percentages, whether our learners passed or failed.

Below is an infographic I found using the search words “financial infographics.” It’s an okay-looking poster. What I really like is the use of typographic emphasis for the percentage:

Pulling loosely from this infographic, I have an idea for how to makeover my default quiz results:

Notice that I didn’t use every option from the default results slide. With the simple, straightforward text below it, the percentage is sometimes enough.
Pretty easy, right? Great! Because that’s what this week's challenge is all about!

Challenge of the week

This week, your challenge is to show us your best, your most creative quiz results designs. Show us as many makeover designs as you can imagine.
Storyline and Quizmaker both offer ways to customize results slides. If you have any questions about how this works, ask in our forums, and one of us will help out.

This challenge is all about visual communication and not about development. This means you don’t have to build out an actual quiz with results. What you should focus on is presenting scores, pass-fail, and other results information to your learners.


You can use Articulate Storyline, Articulate Studio ’09,  Articulate Studio ’13, or PowerPoint to show your slide designs.

Last week’s challenge

To help you produce the most creative results for this week’s challenge, take a look at the results from last week’s interactive timeline challenge.

This was our first challenge where everyone worked from the same starting project. The results were amazing! I know this was a bigger challenge than most, but you guys totally rocked it.

Jeff Kortenbosch once again kicked off the week’s challenge with his interactive timeline. See how much his background choice enhances the whole visual? Nice work, Jeff!

Ana Lucia Barguil really captured the overall design and interactivity in her challenge entry. As always, Ana shares not only her work but her source files. Be sure to give her a virtual high-five next time you see her around.

Paul Alders shared his own interpretation of the interactive timeline in this terrific example. Be sure to visit Paul’s site to download the Storyline source files. Thanks for sharing your source files, Paul!

Kevin Thorn joined the challenge with an amazing recreation of the project. What’s also neat is Kevin’s debrief on the project. He shares his workflow, development challenges, and how he worked around software limitations.

Eimear O'Neill joined the challenge with her awesome timeline example. The harmonious color schemes and presentation of the embedded videos create a visually cohesive piece. Super job, Eimear!

Have a results-driven week, E-Learning Heroes!

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0