
Video Tutorials

Rise 360: Create New Microlearning

When it comes to training, sometimes less is more. Microlearning is bite-sized content that's focused on a single learning objective. It's perfect for improving in-the-moment performance and knowledge retention. Use microlearning for one-off concepts or as part of an overall training program. 

In Rise 360, you can create microlearning that scrolls continuously or steps through content at points you define. Check out the video to see how it works then keep reading to learn more.

  1. Create Microlearning
  2. Select Navigation Mode
  3. Combine Blocks
  4. Customize Theme

Create Microlearning

To create new Rise 360 microlearning content, click the Create button at the top of your Rise 360 dashboard and choose Microlearning. Then select a template or click the Blank Microlearning button in the upper right. The editor then loads your selected template or a blank microlearning.

Note: Training content is created in the folder you're currently in. If you're in a team folder, it inherits the collaborator settings for that folder.

While we've provided curated microlearning templates, you can create microlearning content from any lesson template. Scroll to the bottom of the template list and click Browse Lesson Library. From there, select any individual lesson template.  

Customize your template by adding blocks and content. When complete, you can share your content with learners.  

Note: Since you can't add quizzes to microlearning, you can only track completion based on the percentage viewed. 

Select Navigation Mode

Microlearning is presented as either stepped or continuously scrolling content. 

For stepped navigation, learners navigate by scrolling or clicking the progression arrows at the top and bottom of the content. If the current step doesn't fully fit on the screen, clicking the bottom arrow displays the additional content until the step is complete. Clicking again advances to the next step.

To modify your navigation mode, select Theme > Navigation. There you can choose Continuous or Stepped.

By default, stepped navigation has an unnumbered progress indicator bar. You can also select a numbered indicator bar or turn off the indicator bar entirely.

Combine Blocks

In stepped mode, you have the option to combine multiple blocks together so that they display in the same step. Click the Connect button to link two blocks. Unlink blocks by clicking the Disconnect button.

Customize Theme

Just like with other content, you can modify theme, cover page, navigation, font, color, and block options from the Theme menu at the top of the page.

Updated 5 months ago
Version 2.0