
Video Tutorials

Storyline 3: Editing Web Objects

There are a few ways to to edit your web objects in Storyline 3

Right-Click the Web Object Placeholder, Scroll to Web Object, and Select Edit

This method opens the Edit Web Object window where you can modify the following properties:


Change the URL that appears in the Address field, or click the Browse button and navigate to a folder on your local computer that contains html content.

If you use local html content, be sure there's a file called index.htm or index.html in the folder you select, as well as all supporting files for the web content.

You can click Test Link to make sure your web content launches the way you expect


Decide how you want the web object to display. Choose either Display in slide or Display in a new browser window.

If you display your web content in a new browser window, choose how the new window will look. Use the Browser Controls drop-down to specify which controls the new window will have. Use the Window Size drop-down to select a size for the new window. (These options won't be available if you display the web object in the slide.)


Decide when you want the web object to appear. Mark the box to Load web object automatically to launch your web content without any interaction from learners. Uncheck the box to launch it only when learners click it.

Tip: When you don’t load the web object automatically, it's helpful to give the placeholder a meaningful image, so learners know what it represents. To do so, right-click the web object placeholder and select Change Picture. Browse to the image you want to use and click Open. If you change your mind about the image you added, right-click it again and select Reset Picture.


Tip: If your web content is located on the Internet or an intranet, learners will need the proper security permissions to access it. Otherwise, the web content won't work.

Additional Right-Click Options for Working with Web Objects

There are a few more options you can quickly access just by right-clicking the web object placeholder:

Web Object > Open

This option launches the web object in your default browser.


Select this option to preview your web object on the slide. Click anywhere outside the web object to end the preview.

Tip: You can also double-click the web object placeholder to preview it.

Change Picture

This option lets you assign an image to the web object placeholder.


Use this option to change the default name assigned to web objects (Web Object 1, Web Object 2, etc.).

Another way to rename web objects and other items is to use the timeline.

Size and Position

This is another way to specify an exact size and position for your web object placeholder on the slide.

Learn more about the Size and Position window.

Click the Web Object Placeholder and Use the Options Tab on the Ribbon


Click this button to view the selected web content.

It'll display in the placeholder on the slide itself.

Click the button again to stop the preview.


This button launches the web content in your default browser.


This button opens the Edit Web Object window. Click here for details.


Decide when you want the web object to appear.

Choose Automatically to launch your web content without any interaction from learners.

Choose When clicked to launch it only when learners click it.

Tip: When you don’t load the web object automatically, it's helpful to give the placeholder a meaningful image, so learners know what it represents. To do so, right-click the web object placeholder and select Change Picture. Browse to the image you want to use and click Open. If you change your mind about the image you added, right-click it again and select Reset Picture.


Decide how the web object should display. Choose either In slide or In a new browser window.


If you show your web content in a new browser window (see above), the Controls drop-down will become active, so you can choose which controls the new window should have.

Select Default if the new window should have the same controls as the parent window.

Choose No browser controls if you'd prefer that the new browser window not have any controls.

This option won't be available if you embed the web object in the slide.


If you show your web object in a new browser window (see above), the Size drop-down will become active, so you can specify a size for the new window.

This option won't be available if you embed the web object in the slide.

Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0