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How to Create a Simple Job Aid with Rise 360

NicoleLegault1's avatar
6 years ago

Rise 360 is great for building quick, responsive e-learning courses; but did you know it’s also a solid tool for building job aids? Think about it: A job aid is a training resource that lets learners access information required to perform a task on the job. They’re typically things like checklists, flowcharts, and process guides. Rise 360 is perfect for this kind of content because you can quickly create content that can be accessed from any device, at any time, and at any place.

Here’s an example I recently worked on with a client. The customer is a construction company and every morning, on the job site, the foreman needs to complete a workplace hazard assessment checklist. They wondered: instead of using the old paper and clipboard, can we put this assessment checklist into a Rise 360 format accessible from the foreman’s mobile phone? Here’s what we came up with:

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As you can see, it all comes together neatly in Rise 360. The lessons walk the foreman through each item on the hazard assessment checklist, divided into subcategories. The user must individually check each item off the list in order to move on to the next section of the checklist.

If a hazard is spotted, the module contains a section that explains how to report it. The job aid also contains additional resources and follow-up contact information for the learners.

Don’t restrict yourself to only using Rise 360 to build full courses. You can also use it to create great training assets, such as job aids.

Here’s another example of a job aid created with Rise 360:

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I’d love to know creative ways community members are using Rise 360 within their organizations. Leave me a comment below and let me know!

Want to try something you learned here, but don’t have Articulate 360? Start a free 30-day trial, and come back to E-Learning Heroes regularly for more helpful advice on everything related to e-learning. If you have any questions, please share them in the comments.

Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Patty-Maher's avatar
    Community Member
    Very cool. I can see immediate value. We train staff who work in a range of environments -- parks, garages, workshops etc. They rarely, if ever, sit at a desk, but do carry smart phones. Can I ask what may be an obvious question? In construction company example, how did you get the job aid out to people? Do you host it on a website?
    • NicoleLegault1's avatar
      Hi Patty!

      That's a good question. There's a few ways you could share Rise 360 content with learners.

      One way is to simply host it on a website, as you mentioned. You just export the content to HTML5 format, it created a zipped folder you can upload to your FTP or server and then just send the URL link to learners.

      Another option is some organizations use a Learning Management system (LMS) if they need to track and report on learners (for example if they need to know who took the training, who passed, who failed, etc.) . In that case you would export the content for LMS. Either way, its a simple process that just takes a few clicks.

      Here's more information on how to export Rise content:
      • JaclynMcNabb802's avatar
        Community Member
        Hello there!

        I think this is a great idea and I love the example. My organization just got on board with 360, so we are thrilled to see its versatility come to light.

        My organization uses an LMS for our eLearning courses, but this type of learning would be really very good for a website. I think a catalog of refresher information is a good use of our site.
  • ShelbyMorris's avatar
    Community Member
    A360 has been so helpful in our small TD department. Especially the Review tools.

    We are using Rise (a lot) to connect some of our Storyline creations with new content on various subjects. Topics like Title VI, VII & IX as well as orientation modules for the various colleges within our University.

    The "chapter" style look is easier navigation for our users and Rise makes editing even easier as changes in our system occur. An extra bonus, our users love the look and feel.
    • NicoleLegault1's avatar
      Thanks for the comment, Shelby! We love to hear this type of feedback from our customers.
  • Hi Nicole,

    How did you create the subcategories for the Hazard Assessment Checklist?
  • I love Rise! It has a great, clean look...and is super easy to use! We recently used it to build a training library for a new web based application. It made it easy to compile "Online Help" into a one stop shop - users can access videos, step by steps, etc all in one place. A lot faster (and cheaper) than embedding it into the application itself!
    • JessieBernal-f8's avatar
      Community Member
      Hi Annette - I would love to preview your training library and how you converted it into and "online help" material. I am looking to spice up a job aid I'm creating for field-work users that use a software to submit their work. I don't want it to be a dry manual, I want it to come to life and be interactive! Thanks.
  • LOrealB's avatar
    Community Member
    I used Rise for the first time last week and love it too! I'm embarrassed to admit, I'm having a hard time finding the "log in" page. Would someone please help? I need to design a job aid first thing in the morning. Thks so much! Love your job aid Nicole; beautifully done. Thanks for sharing!
    • JLangenwalter's avatar
      Community Member
      I believe you’ll log in with the 360 application. Once you’re redirected to the Rise site, go ahead and bookmark the URL. 😊