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Kick-Start Open Enrollment With These Employee Resources

KathrynGirou061's avatar
2 years ago

Open enrollment season is coming—and with it, the annual scramble as employees struggle to decode confusing insurance terms and evaluate benefit options. As a learning and development professional, you can do your part to help them make the best choices for themselves and their families—and save your HR team from answering the same questions over and over—by providing everyone with educational resources.

The following customizable templates and ready-to-use courses can give you a head start on developing on-demand open enrollment resources. Click on the links below to preview them or skip to the video at the end of the article to learn how to add these examples to your Rise 360 dashboard for editing.

Full-Length Courses

1. Understanding Your Health Care Benefits 

Create a one-stop resource for employees about their plan options using this full-length course template. It includes placeholder sections for medical, vision, dental, life, disability, FSA, HSA, and wellness benefit information—and you can always add your own sections for other perks you offer.


2. Choosing Health Insurance: Traditional vs. High-Deductible Plans (PPO vs. HDHP) 

For extra support comparing the differences between traditional and high-deductible health plans, this course provides employees with descriptions, advantages, disadvantages, and sample cost-of-care scenarios of each. You can ship the course as is—or customize it with details specific to your plan options. 

Microlearning Courses 

1. A Quick Guide to Open Enrollment 

A perfect follow-up summary to a live information session, this microlearning template circumvents “open enrollment overload.” Brief, editable text explains what open enrollment is, when it starts and ends, how to make elections, and where employees can find more information.

2. Key Terms for Comparing Health Insurance Plans 

A must-have resource for open enrollment season, this micro-glossary helps employees understand the terminology health insurers use. That knowledge will allow them to make informed decisions about their health care costs and coverage. 

3. Health Insurance Cost-of-Care Scenarios  

Beyond a list of plan details and definitions, employees need help putting this information in context. What do these costs and benefits actually mean when an employee needs to see a doctor or specialist, get surgery, stay at a hospital, etc.? Make it easy for employees to compare out-of-pocket medical costs for common health care scenarios by filling in this template.

How to Use and Customize These Examples

If you’re an Articulate 360 subscriber or trialer, you can access and edit all the examples linked throughout this post directly from your Rise 360 dashboard. Simply click Create New, choose Course or Microlearning, and search for and select the template you want to use, as shown in the video below:


Open enrollment is a busy time—but your efforts as a learning and development professional can make a real impact. By developing training resources for employees, you not only make it easy for them to find information and choose the plan that best fits their needs, you also save your HR team time by providing answers to common questions. This frees them up to help employees who need more in-depth support.

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Updated 4 months ago
Version 2.0
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