Blog Post


Rise: Product Info Orientation

JonGillespie-Br's avatar
Community Member
9 years ago

Here's a great example of providing detailed info about a product in an interactive and attractive way with Rise.

Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Just an FYI, on my iPhone 6S, text ran over text in horizontal mode on the first screen (title screen) only. It is fine in vertical mode.
  • RefugioJones's avatar
    Community Member
    Wow, very detailed. This site would help a small company reach potential customers with a comprehensive intro and training to the product. Thanks for sharing!
  • I love this course, it puts a new slant on how to provide technical information in an elegant way, a 'go-to' place for users. The course could be published for web and uploaded onto a company Sharepoint etc.
    Help - I've looked everywhere, however cannot find how you have added a header which separates lessons into sections - "Company Details", "Nalpeiron Paradigm", "Nalpeiron Integration" etc. It does a great job to group associated lessons together. Any tips re where to look and apply this update?
    • JudithWaugh-399's avatar
      Community Member
      Found it - Insert the heading in 'add lesson title', and then SHIFT + ENTER. I knew it was somewhere there, I couldn't find a demo video to see how it was done. It's a cool little feature. and nicely groups topics together
  • YenChiuLee's avatar
    Community Member
    How do I make a percentage of course completion progress
    Thank you