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Storyline: Printable Customized Schedule

BWoods's avatar
Former Staff
2 years ago

Storyline 360 and Rise 360 aren’t just for building courses—you can also use them to create a wide range of training support materials.

In this Storyline 360 download, learners put together a customized schedule in just a few clicks. And thanks to the Print Slide trigger, they can print out their selections or save them in a PDF. 

While this template was designed as a conference session selection tool, it’s easy to adapt for any situation where learners would want a record of their choices—like building their own learning path, filling out a survey, or creating customizable goals. 

You can use this as is in Storyline 360 or embedded as a custom interaction in a Rise 360 course, like in this example.

View this project in action.


Customizing this template is simple. Just do the following:

  1. Duplicate a question slide.
  2. Add your new question and response options in Form View.
  3. Create a new text variable for your question.
  4. For each response, create a trigger to set the variable’s value to the response text when the radio button is selected.
  5. On your final slide, insert a reference to your new variable.


This download will work for folks using Storyline 360, the continuously updated version of Storyline included in Articulate 360. Want to try it out? Get a free trial of Articulate 360 right here.

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0


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  • BenPhilpott's avatar
    Community Member
    Stupid question: where does the response go? Or is this just so that they have a record?
    • BWoods's avatar
      Former Staff
      Not stupid at all! This was designed specifically for learners to create a record for themselves. Although if you have an LRS, you could likely adapt this project so that the Storyline file reports people's responses to your LRS.
      • BenPhilpott's avatar
        Community Member
        Got it! That's an interesting idea. Thanks, Bianca!
  • I love the state on the print button to make it "disappear" when you click on it so it doesn't show on the printed slide!
    I kept it in my "tips and tricks" page on one note 👍
    • BWoods's avatar
      Former Staff
      It's always nice to find those little tricks that don't take long to do but make the final project look just a bit more polished!
  • CODITraining's avatar
    Community Member
    More conferences need something like this.

    It would also make a great test/quiz answer summary, with a submit button instead of print.
  • Awesome, Bianca! Gee, I wonder where you got that conference schedule idea from. Ha.