Hi all, what a useful challenge!
Here are mine, I went for curating:
- This one is one whole style of vector images from the now-defunct Microsoft clip art. I am assuming that because I downloaded them when they were live and free for Microsoft users that they are OK to use. I did my clip art challenge using this style. I like this style because it has lots of variety and, for clip art, a nice clean look. In the folder you will find 2 PowerPoint files. One contains all the images in the set, and the other, called 'backgrounds' contains around 20 slides with some of the more 'officey' looking ones. I ungrouped and then re-grouped as objects.
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BysKZkRKOzlffkxDS2J2MTJXaWRod1RFWGNFUkR1NlQ4MlhGVzFkT1I3Q09zRVMxQU1BcW8&usp=sharing - This folder contains 20 images from unsplash.com If you don't know this site, you should check it out. The downside is that it is not searchable, but rather a VERY LONG page of images. The upside is that they are CC0, and if you sign up with your email, they will email you 10 new free photos every 10 days. From the email you can choose to download some or all. Also, I chose the more corporatey looking ones. They don't have a lot of that sort of stuff, but the photos they have are STUNNING!
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BysKZkRKOzlffkpKc3luV3pLTHBXV3JmcG9MbWVkdmNjRWgyUTFIZGplbkNUSTI2dmFUZ1E&usp=sharing- The last one is a medical set from Pixabay, also CC0, there are about 70 images: