Creating Device Mockup Templates and Placeholders for E-Learning #161
Mockup Templates for E-Learning #161: Challenge | Recap
Device mockups and templates are essential design elements every course creator should have in their e-learning toolkit.
The templates can be created from real photos of devices or with simple vector graphics using programs like PowerPoint or Articulate Storyline.
Here are a few common ways to use device mockups in your courses:
- Content placeholders for text and graphics
- Add context to software simulations and interactive screenshots
- Custom backgrounds for technology projects
- Showcase your work and e-learning portfolio
- Cover screens for modules and courses
Whether you’re looking to spruce up your portfolio or grow your asset library, device mockups are a course designer’s go-to resource.
Creating Vector Mockups
If you’re comfortable creating basic shapes such as squares, circles, and rounded rectangles, you have what you need to create your own custom mockups.
Check out the video below for a quick overview on how to create simple iPad and MacBook mockups in PowerPoint.
Click here to view the screencast
Challenge of the Week
This week, your challenge is to share one or more device mockups for e-learning.
You can use any program you like this week, but if you share your source files, consider using PowerPoint or Storyline so your files benefit the greatest number of users.
Ideas for Your Mockups
You can create whatever you want for your mockups. Below are some ideas to get you started.
- Mobile phones
- iPads and tablets
- Laptops
- Monitors and iMacs
Related Challenges
We’ve hosted several DIY graphics challenges. Feel free to share your examples in one or more of the following:
- Challenge #135: Share Your Go-To PowerPoint Design Elements for Course Development
- Challenge #50: Flat Design Graphics for E-Learning
- Challenge #78: Show and Share Your Favorite Icon Styles for E-Learning
Last Week’s Challenge:
Before you mock up some designs for this week’s challenge, take a look at the flipped perspectives your fellow community members shared in last week’s portrait orientation challenge:
Vertical Layouts in E-Learning RECAP #160: Challenge | Recap
Wishing you a great week, E-Learning Heroes!
New to the E-Learning Challenges?
The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.
NOTE: Please don’t use Google Drive or Dropbox to host your projects. Both companies have announced that they’re no longer going to support HTML projects.
You can use our Dropbox file request link to send me your zipped output: Please include your first and last name and challenge number in the file name: