Dan - THANK YOU! I was staring at those final slides thinking "I need to do something here...it feels disconnected". I just updated it with your advice - thank you again.
Thank you Kimberly. In terms of the prehistoric route idea. I actually was Googling images in relation to 'motivation' for the first prompt, and of course came across a T-Rex picture. Since David said we could use 'LOL Cats' I thought a dino or two couldn't hurt!
To use Google Drive. I actually followed this guidance:
https://community.articulate.com/articles/how-to-share-your-e-learning-course-for-free-with-google-driveAs for the Olympics course - thank you, it was fun to create! As I often do these challenges in an intense rush/block, the files are a bit messy, but I do want to clean them up and release them to the community, so hopefully that can help with designer's block!