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E-Learning Challenges

E-Learning Game Design: Development & Review #472

DavidAnderson's avatar
2 months ago

Game Design: Development & Review #472: Challenge | Recap

Welcome to the third week of our e-learning game design challenge. 

Last week, you built a working prototype from your storyboard or design concept

This week, you’ll focus on bringing the core elements of the e-learning game together to create a detailed and functional model. Your game should be far enough along to submit for final QA and testing.

🏆 Challenge of the Week

This week, your challenge is to share a fully developed version of the game that incorporates all designed elements, interactive features, animations, and multimedia components.

Optional: Since this is our last week of development before submitting the final project, let a few friends or fellow challengers play your game and gather feedback in Review 360. It’s the best way to spot any problems and see what people like or don’t like.

I know many of you have been gathering feedback all along, but I’d like to highlight the testing and review process this week. 

Week 1: Concept & Storyboarding

Week 2: Design & Prototyping

Week 3: Development & Review

  • Goal: Develop a detailed and functional version of your game
  • Deliverables:
    • Apply and refine the visual design elements
    • Integrate the interactive elements, animations, and multimedia components
    • Refine the visual design and user interface to enhance the overall user experience
    • Submit to Review 360 for user testing and feedback (optional but encouraged
    • Share a link to your project

Week 4: Final Testing & Project Submission

🚨 NOTE: Even if you didn’t participate last week, you’re still welcome to join this week’s challenge. Ideally, you’ll complete all four weeks, but any participation is appreciated. Share what you can.

🙌 Last Week’s Challenge:

Before you complete your game design, check out the interactive prototypes your fellow challengers shared over the past week:

Interactive Prototypes in E-Learning RECAP #471: Challenge | Recap

👋 New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Learn more about the challenges in this Q&A post and why and how to participate in this helpful article

📆 Upcoming Challenges

  • Challenge #473 (08.09): Week 4: Final Testing & Project Submission
Published 2 months ago
Version 1.0
    • JesseWu's avatar
      Community Member
      Great concepts implemented in Articulate Storyline!

      1 glitch: Fast clicking or pressing the teleport button more than 1 time when it is enabled will teleport you twice and make you out of bounds and softlocked.

      QoL suggest: Maybe add a confirmation popup if the quit game button in the skill book is not a rib :)
      • PhilMayor's avatar
        Super Hero
        So it does, now that is embarrassing. At least Inhave time to fix.
    • KirstenOssa-cf3's avatar
      Community Member
      Wow, really cool game! So impressive that this was all built in Storyline!
  • Ron_Katz's avatar
    Community Member
    In week three of this four week challenge I begin production of the final game show. Here I have included 13 production tips as well as a working model of the three rounds of the game (with shortened timeframes) to give you a taste of the final product.

    I am still completing the video elements for the 13 production tips (I'm a little under halfway done as of Monday). I expect to have them all done by post time on Thursday.

  • ded2's avatar
    Community Member
    Here's a functional model of my game, "Real or Rendered?" with the initial row of points done for the three categories. No major issues, though the host's dialogue took the longest to develop since he gives feedback after each guess and I wanted to keep each engagement differentiated to some degree. I have managed to keep to my goal of generating every single element from AI, including music sound effects. It's up on 360 if anyone cares to give feedback -- mainly looking for navigational hang-ups since there are a lot of variables under the hood with the scoring and main menu redirect.

    I'll keep building it out this week, with this being the active link:

  • Here's an example that I really like. It's a classic Snake game, implemented in Storyline without using JavaScript. Developing this game was a challenge for me because Storyline is designed for entirely different tasks. Projects like Snake or Tetris, which are relatively easy to implement in JavaScript or any other programming language, are very difficult to create in Storyline (sometimes it seems almost impossible) because it requires a different approach to building the logic of everything happening.

    You can read more about the development logic or mechanics at this link:
    • NhlamoloMoja-8e's avatar
      Community Member
      WOW!!! This is amazing. I am impressed. I'm curious to know how you developed this though. Beautiful work Alex.
    • DanielleKary538's avatar
      Community Member
      Oh my goodness this is phenomenal! How?? just how?? I can't even imagine how you did this. Would you be able to share some details?
    • Ron_Katz's avatar
      Community Member
      Jesse, NOW I get it. This was fun in both the learning mode and the challenge mode. My first suggestion for the final would be sound effects. Try Additionally, some of the inputs automatically take you back to the main screen but some require you hit the exit button. That was a little confusing. Initially I was afraid to select the exit button thinking the game might end. Finally, an opening screen, maybe with a character, welcoming you to your new job at the bar and introducing you to the practice and challenge modes.

      The feedback is a little hard to digest as it is still in "computer speak". Maybe you could find a way to parse the information better and put it into complete sentences. Maybe delivered by our boss who introduced us to the game.

      I like it a lot.

      Everything seems to work otherwise.
      • JesseWu's avatar
        Community Member
        Hello Ron,

        I appreciate your time to try my module. Thank you for sharing the sound resource, persona and opening ideas.

        I will work on optimizing instructions and feedbacks. I prefer to avoid mentioning the multiple protagonists part these days unless it is necessary, but adding an owner to boss people around in instructions and feedbacks would be a fun idea. Maybe I will try to leave instruction layer on by default as an opening screen.

        I tried to minimalize user inputs as Glass, Ice, and Building Method are single-option while others may require collecting multiple inputs. In my concept, exit button in all popups is more like a back door for users clicking other buttons by mistake.

        I believe the website you mentioned is The domain you posted is on sale :)
  • Hello!

    This week, I've built 3/7 rounds of my game and put these into a Question Bank so they are randomised.

    I've also added a title screen and an intro/tutorial.

    The JavaScript now recognises the correct answer and up to four close alternatives, even when these phrases appear in a longer answer.

    I've left some of the variables on display in the top left corner so you can see what is happening

    Current Demo:
    Updated Code:
    • JodiSansone's avatar
      Community Member
      I liked testing the sensitivity of the responses. I tried "Bend" for one and "phones down" for the other, and you gave it to me. :)
    • Jonathan_Hill's avatar
      Super Hero
      - Exact match on Correct_Answer: 100% accuracy and Contains_Correct_Answer is TRUE

      - Partial match on Correct_Answer: 90% accuracy and Contains_Correct_Answer is TRUE

      - Exact or Partial Match on any Alt_Answer: 90% accuracy and Contains_Correct_Answer is FALSE

      - Partial Match (some correct words): 1-89% accuracy and Contains_Correct_Answer is FALSE

      - No match: 0% accuracy and Contains_Correct_Answer is FALSE

      I'm working on the remaining rounds and the results slide for Week 4.

      This data should allow me to provide personalised feedback, perhaps even in the form of a graph.