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E-Learning Challenges

How Are Course Designers Using Characters in E-Learning? #18

DavidAnderson's avatar
11 years ago


Characters in E-Learning #18: Challenge | Recap


One of the most active topics in our community is around using characters in online courses. Whether they’re photographic, illustrated, or animated, and whether you call them avatars, talking heads, on-screen coaches, or pedagogical agents, instructional characters can help connect your learners to the content.


Examples of characters in e-learning


Presenter character


A popular way to use characters in courses is as a virtual host or presenter that guides your learners through the e-learning course.



View the character host example


Interactive Characters


Using interactive markers and labels you can introduce your learners to a cast of real or fictitious characters.



View the interactive character example


Challenge of the week


This week your challenge is to show us how to use characters in e-learning. You can create static slides that show character-based ideas, or build something more dynamic to show the interaction between characters.




You can use Articulate Storyline, Articulate Studio ’09, Articulate Studio ’13, or PowerPoint to show your character-inspired interactions.





Forum discussions






Additional resources



Last week’s e-learning job aids challenge



You guys sure dragged out some amazing examples for our last weekly challenge. One of the things I love about these challenges is the way you all bring your own individual touch to each one.


To help stay in character this week, check out the inspirational examples your fellow community members shared in the last challenge:


Using Characters in E-Learning #247

Share your charcter examples in our current challenge

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0