Online Tennis Training and Instruction with E-Learning #239
Online Tennis Games and Quizzes #239: Challenge | Recap
"You Cannot Be Serious!" The oldest and most prestigious tennis tournament is set to begin next week. To help you prepare for the biggest Grand Slam event of the year, I’ve rounded up a few interactive tennis examples to inspire this week’s challenge.
Tennis for Dummies
How well do you know the rules of tennis match play? It’s time to find out if you’re a true fan or player in this short but fun e-learning quiz.
Topspin and Backspin
Learn the basics of "putting some English" on the ball in this interactive demo from Lyn Lucovsky.
Are You Good Enough to Be a Tennis Line Judge?
Here’s a great interactive video example that puts users in the role of line judges at the U.S. Open tennis tournament.
View the interactive video example
Challenge of the Week
This week, your challenge is to share an e-learning example for this year’s Wimbledon championship. You can focus on the history of Wimbledon, tennis basics and strategies, player profiles, or any other area of tennis you want.
Last Week’s Challenge:
Before you enjoy strawberries and cream this week, check out the interactive step graphics your fellow community members shared over the past week:
Step Graphics in E-Learning #238: Challenge | Recap
Wishing you a grand slam week, E-Learning Heroes!
New to the E-Learning Challenges?
The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.