Take Your E-Learning on a Summer Fakecation #87
E-Learning Fakecation #87: Challenge | Recap
The e-learning challenges are on summer vacation this week! To show our appreciation for all your hard work and amazing examples you’ve shared this year, we think you deserve a fun break in the sun!
We’ll need to travel on a shoestring since we have very little budget. Actually, we don’t have any budget.
But that’s okay because this week you’re going on a fakecation.
via i.imgur.com
Fakecation, All I Ever Wanted
When I read about the girl who faked a 5-week vacation to South East Asia by posting phoney photos to Facebook, I knew that “fakecations” would make a great e-learning challenge.
Zilla van den Born / Rex/REX USA via Buzzfeed
A common production challenge is finding ways to create harmony between multiple design and graphic elements.
Fakecations are a great opportunity for course designers to sharpen their photo editing skills.
via Reddit
Planning the Perfect Fakecation
You have a few options for your fakecation. The quickest (and cheapest) way is to pull up some exotic beach scenes and strike a two-finger pose in front of your computer:
Next, crop your image so only your photo and fingers are visible. You may need to rotate your image depending on the orientation.
After your image is cropped, apply some filters. The filters really help create the harmony between your fingers and the background.
Cheesy text styles are optional:
If you’re into the text titles, drop your fakecation photo into Canva and use some of their pre-built layouts and text styles:
Challenge of the Week
This week your challenge is to take a much-needed fakecation. Go anywhere you like and visit as many places as you can in a week.
Believe it or not, there are resources for planning your fakecation.
- Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=Fakecation
- "Fakecationing" Is The Perfect Meme For Bragging To Your Friends
- 19 Easy Steps To Pretend You Went To Coachella Using Social Media
- This Woman Used Photoshop To Convince Her Family That She Went On A Six-Week Vacation In East Asia
- 10 Ways to Fake the Ultimate Summer Vacation
- How to Fake Your Next Vacation
Share Your E-Learning Work
- Comments: Use the comments section below to share a link to your example or blog post.
- Forums: Start your own thread and share a link to your published example.
- Personal blog: Please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure.
- Twitter: If you share your demos on Twitter, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.
- Facebook: Share your work on our Facebook page by replying to this Facebook post with a link to your example.
Last Week’s Challenge:
Before you leave for this week's fakecation, check out some destination ideas from last week's interactive maps challenge:
Interactive Maps Recap #86: Challenge | Recap
Wishing you a fake-tastic week, E-Learning Heroes!
New to E-Learning Challenges?
The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.