Blog Post

E-Learning Challenges

Using Interactive Job Aids in E-Learning #17

DavidAnderson's avatar
12 years ago

Challenge of the week

This week your challenge is to show us how to use job aids in e-learning. You can share examples of job aids that were used in place of courses, integrated into courses, or offered as course alternatives.

Blended learning examples

One of my favorite examples of how job aids can be used with asynchronous courses is the Van Valen’s Gold Rush Journey project.

The linear course format will be familiar to most course designers. What makes this course so effective is the remarkable way it includes job aids to guide the student’s historical thinking on Westward Expansion.


You can use Articulate Storyline, Articulate Studio ’09, Articulate Studio ’13, Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to show your e-learning job aids.


Here are some community resources to get you started.




Last week’s challenge

You guys sure dragged out some amazing examples for our last weekly challenge. One of the things I love about these challenges is the supportive way you build upon each other’s ideas.

This was our biggest challenge to date, so take some time to check out the inspirational examples your fellow community members shared over the past two weeks:


The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. We’ll feature your work and provide feedback if you request it.

Have a gr-aid week, E-Learning Heroes!

Even if you’re using a trial version of Studio '13 or Storyline, you can absolutely publish your challenge files. Just sign up for a fully functional, free 30-day trial, and have at it. And remember to post your questions and comments in the forums; we're here to help. For more e-learning tips, examples, and downloads, follow us on Twitter.

Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0