Any way to mute system sounds in Replay 360?

Sep 24, 2021


I was struggling to find the options in Replay 360 to turn off speaker recording so I wouldn't record system sounds while recording and narrating a screencast. When I clicked the gear icon at the bottom of the Replay 360 screen recording window, the only options it gave me were to change keyboard shortcuts (see attached screenshot). Turns out I was thinking of the similar options when doing a screen recording from Storyline (screenshot attached). Any reason why Replay doesn't have the same options for screen recording that Storyline offers? Is there a way to mute system sounds when recording in Replay 360?



2 Replies
John Freiberger

Thanks, Lauren. I will play around with those features. You also indirectly answered another question I had - I didn't know what the Desktop Mute/Automatic/Manual settings were for. I struggled to find something in the Replay 360 user guide as I wasn't sure what I was looking for. Your answer addressed that! :-)