Are there Slide Master Placeholder Limits for Question slides?

Dec 21, 2022

Is there a limit to the number of placeholder text boxes on a master slide when applied to a question slide? I added 3 placeholder text boxes on a master slide but when I try to apply that layout to a question slide it will only bring in 2 of the 3 boxes. If I apply it to a regular slide, all 3 placeholder boxes are applied. 

I am working on a local file. I have closed and re-opened the file as well as creating it in a new file with no other themes/layouts. I also just updated my apps prior to recording the following example. 

View Example of what I see:

6 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Melissa,

I appreciate the video you shared! I'm unaware of any limit to the number of placeholder text boxes you can add to a slide master layout. The Choice placeholder is reserved for question types with choices such as True or False or Multiple Choice. The Pick One Freeform question does not have choices, so the Choice placeholder does not appear.

I prepared a screen recording for you to demonstrate this. Let me know if that helps!

Melissa McDaniel

So Eric, 

This doesn't solve my problem. Inserting a regular text box on the master slide doesn't make it a true placeholder; I cannot edit the "test 1" or "test 2" boxes without going back into the master. (You actually demonstrate that in your screencast, I just didn't catch it until I tried it myself)

I want/need to be able to have more than 2 "Text" placeholders on my master slide so that I can always have them when I want to apply that layout; it shouldn't matter if I am applying it to a quiz slide or regular slide. See the content library screenshot example for the "look" I want to achieve in my layout (however, on the content library template, those 3 text boxes are on the base layer and not the master) 

Eric Santos

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for sharing what you see on your end! My apologies; I was not able to discuss adding a placeholder and focused on the text boxes. Good job finding that solution! Here are more details on designing slide masters and layouts

Let me know if we can help with anything else. Enjoy the holidays!