Can I use window box in AWS to build my articulate 360 courses?

Feb 26, 2021

Basically, I do not want to be depending on my laptop, and access from anywhere. Please let me know if this is possible.

Thank you!


3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Daya,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your question.

It looks like Windows on AWS is a client-server environment. Storyline isn't supported in client-server environments. These environments share or divide virtual resources among multiple client machines, which causes problems for authoring apps like Storyline.

Storyline must be installed on the local computer's hard drive (typically the C: drive) and use the local processor, memory, and audio/video hardware to work properly.

Bridget Donovan

Is it in the Articulate road map to support a client-server environment like workspaces on AWS? It would be great to have an option other than a physical windows PC.

(For example, the only reason my small business purchases windows PC is because it is a requirement to run Articulate software. I ran into a hardware issue on my windows PC, and having a virtualized option would be a huge benefit and positive way to avoid delays from wait times experienced when a physical machine has to be repaired - and a replacement to be quickly secured.)