Change state of object on Slide Master

Jul 24, 2012

Hey community.  Does anyone know if I can have a trigger on one of my slides change the state of an object in my slide master?

I created a custom navigation for my course using slide masters.  My master slide has 4 objects that work as menus.  I am using this master slide as my layout for every slide in my course.  Once the leaner has gone through each section I would like to change the state of each menu item to a "completed" state.  My problem is that my menu sits on every single slide in my course.

Any ideas/comments would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

10 Replies
Joe Countryman

Hi Peter.  I really dont want to bring the learner back to a menu screen.  Most of my sections are 20-25 slides in length. 

However, the video did give me some ideas on using variable to change the state of objects.  I am thinking of having a series of hidden checkmarks that become "normal" once the variable changes to true.  This may give the illusion of the menu item changing state.


Eric Albertson


I am encountering the same problem.  I am using custom navigation on the master slides and want to change the states of menu items to "completed" once the users have reached the end of the respective timelines.  I have menus on different layers on the master slide and somehow, when I go to a new slide, the state of the button goes back to "normal" rather than remaining "completed" (though I am using variables and the variables still would make it so that it should be "completed." Have you (or anyone else) seen a way to keep the states persistent across slides when the buttons are in layers on the Slide Master?



Joe Countryman

Hey Eric, sorry for the late reply on this.  I was not able to find a solution using master slides. 

What I did was create a T/F variable (eg. Sec1) for each section of my training, and set it to F.  When the learner got to the "summary" screen for eaction section I changed the variable to T. 

Then on every single screen in my training I had a checkmark object (CM) set to hidden, with the following trigger:

Change state of CM to Normal
 When the timeline starts

 If Sec1 is equal to True

I had four sections in my training, so this was very time consuming but it worked.  Plus I had to ensure the learner couldnt navigate to the summary screens to flip the trigger without viewing every screen in the section.

I am not sure if there is a more clear solution to this, but if there is I'd love to hear it.

Dong Liang

This is indeed old. But I recent ran into the same need and was able to implement what Phil said. So I am explaining on his behalf...

A really useful scenario is you want to use custom nav buttons on the master slides (so you can change the look consistently) but you also want to be able to enable it on the slides.

Given that the slide master objects are not directly accessible you can set up variables which will act as go-betweens. Here is how to do it in steps.

1. setup objects (such as next button) initial state as disabled.

2. setup a variable on master slide called "nextReady", default to false.

3. Still on master slide, set up trigger to change the state of next button to normal when the variable "nextReady" is changed and becomes true.

4. on your regular slide setup trigger to adjust variable "nextReady" to true when your set of criteria met.

That's it!

Jesi Watts

Okay. So here's what worked for me. 5 out of 6 menu items on my menu involve videos. So initially i created numeric variables valued at '0'. 

Menu layer is located on my slidemaster. And states do not carry over slide by slide as previously stated by other users in this post,

On the slidemaster layer of the menu I created a trigger

Change Object Menu 1 to custom state 'checkmark' when the variable Menu_Item_1 changes.  I did this for each menu item on the master slide layer 'MENU'

I created numeric variables Menu_Item_1 = 0 (initial), Menu_Item_2 = 0, etc....

After the learner views the video for the menu item 1 I created a trigger on that slide that states: ADDS 1 to the Menu_Item_1 variable after the media completes. 

On each slide after that i created a trigger that ADDS 1 to variable when the timeline starts

  • Slide 3 has trigger Add '1' to Menu_Item_1
  • Slide 4 has trigger Add '1' to Menu_Item_1 and Add '1' to Menu_Item_2. 

This allows the checkmarks to display across all slides since adding to the variable when timelines start "changes" the variable thus meeting the conditions of the trigger i placed on the master slide layer "MENU". 

I also created clickable links to go back to those portions but if the variable is not > or = to 1 they cannot jump ahead. instead i used another layer and used the "else" feature to pop up and tells the learner they must view all sections before moving on.