Forum Discussion

GregoryMoffitt's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Complete Course vs Exit Course

I have a 16 module each being 2 hours long.  I am having issues with score adn complete status being passed to the LMS when 1) students passing the final quiz, 2) clicking on Exit Course trigger on a custom button on the success layer of the results' slide.  I have read until my eyes are bleeding about this topic.  Do I need to use both a completed course trigger and then an exit course trigger to make sure the P/I and the score are sent to the LMS?  I do have a submit results trigger as well.  Will the complete course trigger send the score and the complete status to LMS by itself.   

1 Reply

  • complete course will send complete back to the LMS. Exit course will close the window.

    Complete course trigger will only send the completed status, to send the score you need a results slide and to publish/track via that results slide for this you do not need a complete trigger.

    Only some settings will send complete to the LMS see here

    It sounds to me like you need to track via results slide and send complete/incomple or complete/failed

    Failed is normally terminal and locks the course and you need to manually reset the user.