edit the "invalid answer" look and feel

Aug 14, 2012

hi all,

I am able to edit the "correct/incorrect answer" dialog box in the Feedback master view. But I am unable to edit the "Invalid answer" dialog box. Please see the image below. Can anyone show me where to edit this "invalid answer" dialog box?

Thanks in advance.

73 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for continuing to share the crucial need for creating accessible content for all learners. While more work remains, we're at a point where we're confident the job done so far delivers meaningful real-world improvements for learners with accessibility needs.

I've included links below where you can find all the details on what this means for Storyline 360 Update 36:

You'll also see our general FAQ on accessibility in Articulate 360 tools here.

This release makes it significantly easier for those users to perceive, operate, and understand content published with Storyline, while opening up more choices of the browser, assistive technology, and devices for the first time. Learners will benefit from the vast majority of these improvements, even when the course author is not designing their course for accessibility. 

If you have any questions or concerns, let us know here or reach out to our Support team. We know there is more to do, so we'll continue to keep you posted about future releases.

John Morley


I have found that this is a function of increasing the resolution up from the default 720 x 405, which makes items on the player small, so I increased the Player font size (see attached) to 150% and that is what sent the button off the bottom, because the enclosing dialog box does not scale  appropriately with the higher resolution.

By taking the player font size down to 120% the result is acceptable, although not all the best. Also, taking the resolution down closer to the default also helps.

I don't know if this is your situation, but it was my work around.

Robert Stryker

Thank you John. That's great information. 

Just a side comment: It's unfortunate that 720 by 405 pixels is considered default. That low a resolution doesn't allow images to scale up well for people with large monitors. 

If anyone at Articulate is monitoring this conversation, I vote for enhancing user control over the size, look and feel of the popup dialog boxes in the Player Text Labels panel. At the very least, they shouldn't allow the OK button to overflow the dialog box.

Robert Stryker

Agreed, Tom. I disable PREV and NEXT until an answer is selected to prevent that window from appearing at all.
The truly problematic window is the "Resume Progress" one. For our layouts, the OK button runs off the bottom of the popup--very similar to the PNG John provided.

Tom Dalgaard Petersen

You got a point Bob, and I do not see any way around it. To put it mildly, I see it as a design flaw. Who want to have two different designs in their feedback...

It would be possible to correct by puzzle a solution with JavaScript. But I consider that to be waste of good working hours.

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, John.

We appreciate your patience while our team investigated this.

I am happy to share some great news! We fixed the issue you reported where:
HTML5: Classic Player tab label is cut-off if Player > Colors & Effects > Player font size is set to more than 120%

Be sure to install the latest Storyline 360 update (Build 3.49.24347.0) to take advantage of all the recent features and fixes. 

If the problem happens again, please let us know, or you can always work directly with our support engineers here.

Kay Fenton

I am also frustrated at the limited options for customising the invalid answer.  While I can play around with the colours I cannot fix the OK button text which is not centred within the button border - as shown in the attached.  While its a small matter my client is asking for it to be centred!  Is this possible?



Jean-Christophe Goyette

I'd love to be able to edit the Invalid Answer slide as easily as the Good and Wrong Answer slides...

Right now, I still cannot properly use Storyline's own questions because the "Invalid Answer" cannot be edited. I can edit every other prompt, such as Good Answer, Bad Answer, Thank you and such, but not the Invalid Answer. I have to use my own triggers and variables to block Storyline's own layers.

Is it planned at some some point? That is a tool that should have been added by now, right?

For record, there are slides for Correct Answer, Incorrect Answer, Retry, Review and Thanks. 

Jean-Christophe Goyette

Do we have any update?

Like I explained, right now I must customize all of my questions with my own variables and triggers so the Invalid Answer prompt doesn't show up. I'd like to also point out that this is likely a reader/software prompt, not a course one.

Imagine having a variable toggleing ON (True) if any radio button or check box is selected, and adding a trigger that either shows a custom Invalid Answer layer or to show a feedback. I'll let you imagine how it can get complicated for drag-n-drop slides, when Storyline cannot properly detect when a draggable object "isn't in Normal state" anymore, so I have to use the Drop Correct and Incorrect states as blanks, only to change them to custom Correct and Incorrect states upon validating.

I'd love to use SL's own Validate trigger, which would save plenty of time, but I cannot use it due to not being able to edit the Invalid Answer prompt in the same fashion as the Correct and Incorrect feedbacks.

Jacek Kuczynski

Hi, I know it's an old thread but editing the "Invalid Feedback" is still not available in 2023.

Consider using this workaround instead: 
1. Create a layer and name it "Invalid Feedback". Make your own design. 
2. Create a trigger for the "Submit" button - "Show Layer "Invalid Feedback" on a click". 
3. In the "Invalid Feedback" add a trigger "Submit interaction when the timeline starts IF Answer 1 or Answer 2 or Answer etc. is selected (these are the names of the options for your question). 

This way you can still create quizzes using a freeform but have a customised "Invalid Feedback" window. 

I hope it helps :) 

Kuriko A

Wow! This feature has still not been implemented, even though this request was posted 11 years ago and is obviously sought by many users? Thanks for your ongoing support, Articulate!  

Thanks for the workaround in the meantime, @Jacek. What a nuisance that we have to implement these kinds of tedious workarounds for something that should be built into the software. Especially now that Articulate has stopped supporting Storyline 3 and is only working on Storyline 360, their developers should have more time available now to finally address longstanding issues like this one, which have never been resolved.  

Jean-Christophe Goyette

If I may add, it renders some question types downright unusable, because I cannot use that question's own variables to display alternate layers, including invalid answers.

What Jacek proposed... is exactly what I must do for every question.

For drag-n-drops, I need to make the Drop Correct and Drop Incorrect states "the same as Normal", and when submitting, those change to new states accordingly. If I checked "change states until submitted", I get the invalid answer prompt.

For text forms (short answers or open questions), I need to a variable that check if the text entry field variable is empty.

For questions using drop-down menus, I just can't use it, because Storyline doesn't offer variables for each menu if these are left unattended.

I'm just baffled that there still isn't a new feedback layer that overwrites the Invalid Answer one. Please note that an Invalid Answer feedback would also be useful for gatekeepers, like how a user must click and reveal everything on a slide before moving on.