Forum Discussion

MikkelHaas-45ee's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Freeform Question - Pick One - Saying "Invalid Answer"

Hey everyone, I've got a problem with the freeform "Pick One" question in Storyline 360. 

What's happening:

I have .pngs uploaded to be the choices, everything is set up correctly in the form view with the four images as options and image 4 selected as the correct answer. When I test the program in Storyline and in Review, I get the following error: Invalid Answer - You must complete the question before submitting.


This only starts happening on scenes 10-17 in the file. The scenes before that I was using an image grouped with a text box as the answers. I'm not having any issues with that.

I copy-pasted the scene as they are all the same and then switch out the content for the assessment. 

I saved those groups as an image so that it would be faster for me to switch images out for the rest of the assessments as I built them. I'm not sure why this would cause a problem since they are just .png files still. 


What I've tried

I tried adding in a png file to scene 9 (which works) and scene 10 (which doesn't work) to see if it was an issue with the groups I turned into images. The unrelated png file works fine in scene 9 and doesn't work in scene 10.

 I tried creating a brand new question in scene 10, but still had the same problem. 

Copy-pasted the question from scene 10 to scene 9 to see if it would work, it didn't work. 


Thanks for any help or suggestions. The file is included below. 

  • I did check just now to see if they had a Selected state on the off-chance that could cause a problem, but they do have that state available on them. 

  • Hi Mikkel!

    This sounds frustrating! I played around a bit with your file and while I can't identify WHY it's happening, it seems related to the submit button. I tried to see what would happen if I made the trigger to submit the interaction if the user clicked on the facilitator, and it worked. So then I tried deleting the submit button from slide 10.2, then copying and pasting the submit button from 9.2 over onto 10.2, updating the trigger to use the submit button again, and the interaction then worked for me. Hopefully that's a quick fix throughout your slides and that it works on all of them! 

    • MikkelHaas-45ee's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for the workaround idea! I've got it at least going now. I've sent in my file to support to see if they can see why it did that. 

      • EricSantos's avatar

        Hi Mikkel,

        Thank you for sharing your Storyline project file with our support team. I encourage you to continue working with Chester, and please expect a reply from him as soon as he's done with the tests. You're in good hands!

  • The Submit button copied from previous scenes expects a grouped object to validate an interaction. If you insert a transparent shape over your png and group them together the Submit button will work.

  • yes, there is a problem with the submit button connected to the images

    on slide 10.2 I have deleted the original submit button and recreated a new one with the trigger "Submit Pick One"

    seems to work now with png without group