Exit Animations Automatically Triggering at End of Timeline

Apr 01, 2021

Hey All,

I have some images that when the user clicks these images they reveal text behind the image. I want to add some animations to these images so that when the user clicks on the image they do not just disappear, but have some sort of nice animation.

When I add animations to the images they automatically trigger and disappear at the end of the timeline. Without exit animations they work just fine and do not disappear until they are clicked on.

How can I stop the exit animations on the images from triggering at the end of the timeline and wait for a user click to trigger?

2 Replies
Walt Hamilton

When the timeline ends, the objects disappear. If there is a one sec exit animation, they will start to disappear early enough that they can be completely gone by the time they are supposed to disappear. That is the nature of exit animations.

If you don't want them to disappear at the end of the timeline you can pause the timeline long enough before it ends that the animations won't start.