Modern Player larger than browser window

Aug 04, 2021

My team is troubleshooting a problem in our LMS. We noticed some of our modules, which were published with the responsive Modern player, are larger than the browser window. Users have to scroll down to hit the next button in the player or zoom out in their browser. Several people have experienced this problem on different screens. The problematic modules seem to have the same story size ratio as the non problematic modules.

Unfortunately I can't share these files, but any leads or ideas?

3 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Thanks, Lauren! That's good to know. Have you set the size for the browser window in your LMS? For example, in SCORM cloud, this setting is under Launch Behavior and called "Specify New Window Dimensions." Here's a screenshot.

Lastly, if the learners resize the window, then do the Player controls appear?