Next Button Inoperative When Revisiting a Quiz Slide

Jun 17, 2021

For my Storyline 360 course, the units have a few knowledge check questions at the end of the scenes to review content of each unit. For the last question in each unit, the learner receives feedback, then clicks the continue button to go to next scene, which works normally.

The problem occurs when using previous button in first slide of next scene to return to the last quiz question of previous screen. The Next button is inoperative, meaning the learner can't go forward again. It's not normal for a learner to go back once a question is answered, but I had one person click Prev accidentally and came back to the quiz slide in the previous scene. Then she could not move forward after that. I'm sure I'm missing a setting somewhere. Any suggestions will be hugely appreciated. I've attached a shortened version.

2 Replies
David Schwartz

Hi Steven,

The issue is that when the user goes backward, and the Next and Prev buttons appear on the quiz screens, they default to built-in triggers to go to the next or previous screen, and in the case of the last question in Scene 2, there is no next screen to go to.

To get around it, I added a T/F variable that gets changed to True when the user completes that last question (triggers on the Sorry and Congrats layers). I turned on the Next button on that screen as well, and added a trigger on the base layer to hide the Next button if the variable is false.  And added a trigger to the Next button to jump to the next scene.

I think you'll have to do this on the last question in each scene, if you end all scenes with a question.

Another approach would be to have a non-quiz screen at the end of each scene, or keep everything in a single scene.