Results Slide Button to Review Incorrect Answers Only Works Once

Jan 26, 2022

I have recently modified a quiz to have the student click a Review Incorrect Answers button which triggers the Review Results slide. Once there, they can "review only incorrect questions" as pre-programmed by SL360.

Once they've finished reviewing, they are once again presented with the same screen/options as before, including the Review Incorrect Answers button which enabled the student to initially review only incorrect answers.

When this happens (again, after reviewing incorrect questions), the button depresses and is active, but no action is triggered.

Oddly enough, one of the other options I added to the incorrect slide review layer was a REVIEW button which branches to a slide with the topic information for review. Once the student clicks out of that by clicking "Got It!" they are returned to the Review Results slide, but in this instance the Review Incorrect Answers button WORKS.

I'm pretty sure there is programming I am not up to speed on, but is SL360 programmed to review the incorrect ones only once? Is there a workaround regardless of why it is happening?  

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