Save progression + navigation problem

Dec 02, 2022

Hello storyline's community !

Here is the problem :

- I have 1 module

- Divided in 7 chapters (scenes)

- In each slide of the module there is a button "go back to the summary".

- The slide "summary" contains 7 buttons to access each of the 7 chapters (see attach file).


The customer want the following navigation :

  • If the learner has begun a chapter => then click to "go back to summary" => and then click on a chapter => he must lands where he was.

For example :

  • I am on chapter 2, slide 10 => I click on "go back to summary"=> Then i want to return to the chapter 2 => I must land to chapt 2, slide 10.  


The main issue here is that I can't apply a variable based on the "previous" button. Because if for example :

  • I am on chapter 2, slide 10 => I click on "go back to summary"=> Then i want to go to chapter 1 => I must land to chapt 1, slide where i was when i quit chapter 1.  The previous button (or variable) will send me to chapter 2, slide 10....


In few words : storyline must "save/remember" each of the slides i have viewed in order to be able to navigate in each chapter and always arrived where i have stopped before.


Any idea  ? :(



3 Replies
Sandeep Gadam
Hello, you can do this by creating variables dependent on the number of slides in your module.
Here is a sample I put together on my end, and it works just well. 
Let me know whether this is the feature you're looking for after reviewing the SL file.
I'm happy to help you with what you need if you still need assistance with programming your module.
Mathilde Roy

Hello Auriane, 

It's been a while since your questsion, I hope you'll still see this message. I'm having the same issue you had, and I might end up with a MASSIVE e-learning with 7 scenes of 40 slides each ! So the solution you had seems like wayyyy too much work. 

By any chance, did you discover another solution, less "manual" as you were hoping for ? 

Have a great day !