Text Entry Variables in Hotspots

Dec 14, 2021

I'm trying to do the following

Activity 1 - Identify tasks

  • fill out 10 text entry "tasks" 
  • submit will enter variables on Activity 2

Activity 2 - Sort those tasks

  • Drop 3 of the tasks into a Hotspot
  • Those three tasks fill in the top row of Activity 6 and the rest fill out the task list below

Activity 3 - Two Text Entry fields asking for their input

  • Would like to keep the information for our use.

Activity 4 - Three Text Entry Fields

  • These will appear on Activity 6

Activity 5  - Three Text Entry fields

  • What tips do you remember?

Activity 6

  • Display the 10 tasks they entered with the 3 that they dropped into the Hot Spot on Activity 2 at the top and the rest at the bottom.  The other will show the Tips and Tricks they shared in Activity 5. 

I know this is complicated and I'm sure I didnt explain it right, but help!

1 Reply
Garth Yorko

I took a shot at it and this is (mostly) what you are looking for.

I didn't invest in making it look pretty and I don't like the way the list ends up, but maybe the community can come up with a solution.  

Source file attached.