Trying to add/subtract from variable based on object state - Need some help

Sep 21, 2022

I am challenged trying to get simple math to work with triggers. The goal is to add 1 when the user clicks on an object in the Normal state and subtract when in the Selected state.

I have one trigger to add and another trigger to subtract based on the state of the object. 

I can only get one of these triggers to work one at a time. It only adds or only subtracts. I tried switching the sequence, different conditions. 

Any thoughts? ( I added a screen shot of the triggers)


3 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Change "if state of ... is equal Normal" to "if state of ... is not equal Selected.

Selected (like most of us) thinks it is normal, so in a trigger like this, reports that it is normal. Be aware the the switch between Normal and Selected takes place before any of the "When user clicks" triggers happen.

Edit - All the built-in states report that they are Normal.