Use Variable to Show Hidden Marker

Feb 21, 2023

Here is a simplified version of what I'm looking to do.

Slide 1 has a box that links to slide 2 when you click it. Slide 2 contains text and a back button that returns to slide 1 when you click it. I would like a checkmark marker to display next to the box on slide 1 when slide 2 has been visited. I set a variable for when the back button on slide 2 is clicked and tried to use that on slide 1 to either show or not show the checkmark, but I can't get it to work right. I can get it to show but then it immediately disappears again. What are the triggers/variables I need on these two slides to make this work?

12 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Create the check mark on slide 1. Create a trigger for it: “Change state of CheckMark to Normal when timeline on this slide starts if Variable = True, else change state to Hidden.”

On Slide 2,  create trigger for Back button: “Set Variable = True when user clicks Back button” and a second one to FOLLOW it: “Jump to slide 1 when user clicks Back button”. Be sure Variable defaults to False. You may have to set the initial state of CheckMark to Hidden.