Buzzword Bingo Games

Aug 19, 2021

This week's challenge was Buzz Word Bingo Games.

This is my submission:

I chose the topic of Gamification and used content from Wikipedia for my test content.  I took all of the words from the article, pasted them into Word as plain text.  Removed all the punctuation and then dropped it in a Word Cloud generation program online.  This was the result.

Gamification word cloud

I then used some version of the words in the cloud to fill in the squares on my bingo board.

bingo board

I then gave the player the option of playing live or with a computer narrator.

live or narrator buttons

This is a simple button set, meaning you can only choose one of the two.

button set

The easiest of the two options to set up was Play Live.  I just needed to provide instructions then give each tile two states.

tile states

Normal is the basic tile and marked is the tile with a translucent red circle over it.  I then copied the marked state to "Visited" because visited is a built in Storyline state which turns on whenever a specific object is clicked.

Finally I created a layer to check if bingo was achieved or not and if so, called a second layer to celebrate.

bingo trigger

Here are some of the triggers on the check bingo layer for determining a bingo horizontally.

bingo horizontal

We do the same thing for vertical.  Diagonal is just checking four squares in two different directions.

If you want to explore this project further you can download the Storyline file.

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