Forum Discussion

Alison-L's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

& eLearning Brothers

I don't know the status of those elearning brothers "activities" of "Storyline Games" and "Storyline Interactions". Everything I can find talks about their stuff being done in Storyline 1 or maybe 2.

Now that they have bought Lectora, they've left other authoring tools in the dust ( of course). 

I was just wondering if they have, or if anyone has asked them, if they'd be willing to donate their games :

..and their few interactions AS IS, since they aren't upkeeping them anymore. 

Set them free!


  • Oh my i do think your right...they abandonded Storyline... only place to find it is in the old templates.

  • Alison-L's avatar
    Community Member

    Any one got an ELBROS account? We could set up like an underground railroad. ;)

    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      Rather develop similar games from those templates often have a lot setup in some old way that doesnot work properly anymore....

  • Alison-L's avatar
    Community Member

    I tried a simple email to elearning bros and quitely asked what may happen if I got a 30 day trial demo to elearning templates. TBC