Forum Discussion

KarenAngiulo-af's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

add audio to accordion and tab interactions

Interesting that these interactions can include video, but not audio! Please make it so we can include audio in each individual tab or part of the accordion, similar to how the process interaction includes audio.

Otherwise, I have to build it like it shows in the attached... not very appealing.

  • Hi Karen,

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience with the accordion and tab interactions in Rise 360. We are tracking votes for a possible feature to add audio to these blocks.

    I have informed our product team of your need, and we'll notify you once this feature is available.

  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    Karen, I'll recommend splitting up your accordion and putting each transcript as a single accordion item directly after the corresponding audio block. In this example I also created a theme component to make it look like a cohesive ui.