Forum Discussion

ErvinSebag's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Adding new typing condition in the Base Layer- recorded software demo


Is there a way to change the behavior on a recorded typed-input on a base layer slide?
I'll explain: I recorded myself typing in a date in a text field in this format '2021-09-01' and then press Tab to goto the next field.
In Storyline I removed all 'Play video Screen Recording Action triggers' that it generates as it bugs with FireFox and created all new triggers and I also removed slide navigation 'submit' buttons to get a bigger published scene.

The tab works fine when typing '2021-09-01'. I added a trigger on a hotspot to move to the next slide if either '2021-09-01' or '20210901' is typed. When previewing, the hotspot works but the tab key wont work for the 2nd format (probably a permanent behavior). I could add an text entry field but I need the cursor to start blinking by default inside it which it doesnt. The user needs to make use of the tab key to advance slides.



  • Hello Ervin, 

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    Unfortunately, there is no way to modify the behavior of screen recording slides, since these slides are automatically created by Storyline 360 using the inputs that were being detected by the application during the actual recording. Since the string '20210901' wasn't included in the original recording, there is no way to included this in the original slide interaction. 

    As an alternative, you can just create your own custom slide that takes both '2021-09-01' and '20210901', and insert it in the correct position in your scene.