Forum Discussion
Adding user name to training using JavaScript
All LMS should identify the user and thus be able to store progress. What's the use of a LMS else ;-) But LMS's might tackle Scorm and userdata differently. So first thing to know is what LMS do you use ? Depending on that someone with experience with that LMS might know the way to get it done on that particular LMS.
Rereading your original message it is clear you use CrossKnowledge. I am not sure but checking some documentation on CrossKnowledge it seems they use this on login...
So the separator of name and surname might be a '.'(dot)
You should test that on your LMS.
I suggest you do a test on CrossKnowledge to figure out how the username/surname is composed.
Add this into your code...console.log("myName: "+myName);
You then get a message like this in your console.myName: Glischinski.Anika
That will clarify what delimiter to use to split myName into 2 separate values.
I suspect CrossKnowledge uses a dot.